‘It’s ridiculous’ – Statue of Tottenham legend Harry Kane hidden away in storage after embarrassing mix-up

4 months ago 65

A statue of Bayern Munich striker Harry Kane has been hidden in storage for years with councillors unable to find a location for it.

Two conservative councillors for Chingford's Endleberry ward approved the life-size figure of the England skipper sitting on a bench.

Chingford-raised Kane played for local side Ridgeway Rovers before joining Tottenham


Chingford-raised Kane played for local side Ridgeway Rovers before joining TottenhamCredit: Getty

Waltham Forest Council allocated £7,200 in 2019 and 2020 for the sculpture of Kane, who was raised in Chingford and played for local side Ridgeway Rovers.

Councillors Emma Best and Roy Berg intended for the statue to be installed on a platform at Chingford station.

But it is yet to find a home after Transport for London rejected the proposal following a risk arressment.

Cllr Best told the Local Democracy Reporting Service that she has spent 'hours and hours' trying to find a new place for it with 'stakeholders'.

Ms Best and Cllr Berg previously rejected plans for the statue to be erected in Ridgeway Park for reasons unknown.

Chingford resident Trevor Calver stumbled upon the existence of the statue when researching how funding for Endleberry ward was being spent.

Voicing his dissatisfaction, he said: "I’ve been trying to find out where it is and who’s paying for the storage.

“It’s ridiculous, £7,200 up the swanny. It’s a joke – but it’s not funny.”

Kane is the current top scorer for Spurs as well as England's national team


Kane is the current top scorer for Spurs as well as England's national teamCredit: Getty

Despite the uncertainty over the statue, a spokesperson for Kane has declared they are hopeful it will be revealed in the near future.

They remarked: "We are really excited about the statue and, although it has been ongoing since 2019, we feel in the coming months is the right time to reveal the statue, especially with Harry being England and Tottenham’s all time top goalscorer. It is what he deserves.

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“The location of the statue is really important to us and like Emma said we are having some issues at the moment.

"But when we get it right, we will be happy to go.”

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