Janel Grant’s Lawyer: Publication Of ‘Love Letter’ To Vince McMahon Was An Effort To Intimidate, Victim-Shame

6 months ago 34

Janel Grant’s attorney Ann Callis discusses the lawsuit against Vince McMahon after the publication of a love letter from Grant to McMahon, which she alleged that he coerced her to write. Grant previously filed a lawsuit against McMahon and WWE, alleging that she engaged in sexual assault and sex trafficking of her. McMahon has denied the allegations, but he is under federal investigation.

Speaking with POST Wrestling and Wrestlenomics, Ann Callis said the release of the “love letter” was an effort to intimidate and victim-shame her. (H/t John Pollock and Brandon Thurston of POST Wrestling for the transcription)

Callis argues that the letter demonstrates that Grant’s relationship with McMahon was consensual. As for those who were referenced by their first names in the latter, Callis said that it was “right to assume” that Grant was speaking of Nick Khan, the WWE President, and Brad Blum, Chief Operating Officer. WWE previously denied that the two were aware of any allegations regarding abuse involving Grant.

Callis also clarified that the “Paul” that is mentioned in Grant’s letter is Paul Mangieri, an executive assistant for WWE who sources noted worked as an assistant to Vince McMahon.

Janel Grant’s Lawyer On Triple H

When asked whether Paul Levesque, also known as Triple H, was aware of the relationship between Grant and McMahon, Callis noted that she could not comment.

“I can’t comment on that now,” Callis said. “Just to say that we do have witnesses still coming forward [about] the knowledge of executives at the WWE.”

Callis also reiterated that victims are often pressured by abusers to write love letters and cited other examples. Meanwhile, Vince McMahon’s attorney, Jessica Taub Rosenberg, stated that, “Ms. Grant’s letter is multiple pages, includes details of their relationship and indicates she wrote 24 drafts. It makes no sense to coerce someone to write 24 drafts of a multiple-page love letter.”

That being said, Callis said that it was further proof of misconduct, and Grant was an “emotional prisoner.”

Vince McMahon’s Lawyer Denies That He Coerced Janel Grant To Write Love Letter

Rosenberg also denied that Vince McMahon coerced Grant to write the letter and claimed that Callis was trying to explain it away.

“Ms. Grant wrote this love letter to Mr. McMahon,” Rosenberg said. “Her attorney is now desperately trying to explain it away because it shows the relationship was consensual and the lawsuit’s allegations are a sham. The false explanation that it was ‘coerced’ is nonsense.”

Rosenberg says more material will emerge that will support McMahon’s case.

“Ms. Grant’s letter is just one piece of evidence demonstrating the relationship was consensual and her allegations in the lawsuit are false. There are more pieces of evidence like this to come that will prove her claims are meritless.”

Additionally, Edward M. Brennan, attorney for John Laurinaitis, stated, “My client and I are satisfied that when all the facts become known, Mr. Lauriniatis will be vindicated from the allegations leveled against him.”

“Judge Callis was a learned judge and is a skilled litigator,” Brennan wrote to us in an email. “I anticipate she will ultimately see that Mr. Lauriniatis is, like her client, a victim in this case, and Judge Callis will do the right thing and dismiss my client from this lawsuit. In the event she does not, my client will clear his name and reputation in Court, not in the media.”

Janel Grant’s Attorney: Janel Grant Continues To Suffer

Callis also stated that Grant is still suffering from the trauma stemming from what she alleged in the suit.

“For someone who because of what happened to her, suffering from PTSD and other ailments, she’s resilient,” Callis said. “We’ve been talking on the phone and talking to her a lot recently. So she’s okay.”

Callis also stated that WWE’s Board of Directors Special Committee investigation into the alleged misconduct did not reach out to Grant, whereas former WWE Board member Jeff Speed previously said that they did.

Pollock and Thurston also note that representatives from WWE and TKO did not respond to a request for comment.

RELATED: Janel Grant’s Lawyer Discusses Lawsuit Against Vince McMahon

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