JD Vance brought his dog Atlas to an event & looked like he’d never held a leash

1 month ago 10

J.D. Vance is making history. This creepy weirdo is historically unpopular. As I’ve been saying, there’s a Sarah Palin-esque vibe with Vance in that both Vance and Palin were awful running mate choices which reflected the unsuitability of John McCain and Donald Trump for the highest office in the land. But at least Palin was popular with the Republican base. At least she had some positive likeability ratings. Vance has none of that – even Republicans think he’s a weirdo. Even Republicans despise him. When you’re being compared to Palin and people are arguing that the comparison is UNFAIR TO SARAH PALIN, you know it’s bad.

I bring all of this up because it’s clear that Vance and his people understand that he comes across like a dystopian villain who would rather f–k a couch than allow women to have rights. I don’t even think this is about Donald Trump and Trump’s people trying to change up the narrative about Vance, I think Vance and his merry band of inner-sanctum weirdos have decided to fight back. I was not personally expecting the introduction of a dog though, nor did I think that JD Vance would look so completely uncomfortable trying to hold a dog’s leash.

JD Vance has brought his dog, Atlas, to campaign with him today in Milwaukee pic.twitter.com/tpc4YNW4Ct

— Chris Cameron (@ChrisCameronNYT) August 16, 2024

Yes, the dog’s name is Atlas. As in, Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged. This poor dog. I mean, we should absolutely make fun of JD Vance because this is completely pathetic, but I also just feel sorry for Atlas Vance. Atlas is being used as a political prop for a weird creep’s political campaign. Atlas does not want to be on the campaign trail. I’m also curious… did they, like, rent a dog? Did they just adopt him? Is this the first time Vance has ever held a dog leash? While I was trying to find the answers to those questions, I came across this interesting piece in Salon about Vance writing the foreword to Dawn’s Early Light: Taking Back Washington To Save America by Kevin Roberts. That’s like the “airport book” version of the Project 2025 manifesto. Roberts apparently hates dogs and dog parks.

…But while Vance views our feline friends as a medieval witch-hunter would — as a sign that a woman is dangerously independent and therefore evil — dog owners should not feel safe from the ire of Vance and his friends in the uterus-obsessed MAGA movement. Vance wrote the forward to “Dawn’s Early Light: Taking Back Washington To Save America” by Kevin Roberts of the Heritage Foundation. Roberts is one of the leaders of Project 2025, which was developed to build Trump’s policy agenda without the larger public finding out about it. (That failed, and now the campaign is pretending to reject Project 2025.) “Dawn’s Early Light” was meant to be an airport book version of Project 2025, a snappy and readable volume that nonetheless displays the granular level of control MAGA Republicans want to assert over the choices of Americans in how to worship, whether to have kids and who they’ll marry.

Like Vance, Roberts is outraged that women have goals and interests outside of making babies early and often. The book has been delayed until after the election, but Media Matters has a galley copy, which features Roberts raving about the evils of birth control, in-vitro fertilization, and yes, even pets. Roberts laments that they allow women to feel that “having a child seem(s) like an optional and not natural result of having sex.” In the book, Roberts spits venom at dog parks, which he sees as a decadent concession to those he believes won’t “give up childish things, and live in the real world” by having kids. Dog parks are a result of “the antifamily culture shaping legislation, regulation, and enforcement throughout our sprawling government,” he snarls.

[From Salon]

First JD Vance and his merry band of creeps came for cat ladies, and I said “f–k that guy.” Then JD Vance and his merry band of creeps came for menopausal women and I said “Jesus Christ, this guy is the f–king worst.” And then JD Vance and his merry band of creeps came for dogs and dog moms and I laughed, knowing that no animal lover will ever vote for this f–king psychopath.

Oh and he also talked sh-t about Irish-Americans.

Vance: Has anybody seen the movie "Gangs of New York?." That is what I'm talking about, with these ethnic enclaves in our country, it can lead to higher crime rates. pic.twitter.com/3UOBRSvOfJ

— Acyn (@Acyn) August 16, 2024

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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