Jennifer Lopez channels the glamour and luxury of Old Hollywood while attending the Amazon MGM Studios x Vanity Fair Party on Saturday night (January 4) in Los Angeles. The 55-year-old Unstoppable actress was spotted exiting the event, which was held at the Bar Marmont. For the occasion, she looked stunning in a white dress, which she paired with a matching fur stole. Jennifer carried a white bag and finished off her outfit with some subtle jewelry and a glam smoky eye. Keep reading to find out more… The event is one of the first as we head into award season for the year. Jennifer kicked things off with a big win. She was honored with the Legend & Groundbreaker Award at the 2025 Palm Springs International Film Festival on Friday (January 3). In a recent interview, the actress and mogul hinted at plans for her future, and her career is nowhere near finished! Scroll through all of the new photos of Jennifer Lopez and her glam look in the gallery…