Jennifer Pepperman Details The Differences Between Working In WWE & AEW

1 month ago 18

Long-time WWE writer Jennifer Pepperman made the jump to All Elite Wrestling earlier this year.

Jennifer Pepperman was a recent guest on AEW Unrestricted. When asked about how her joining the company came about, Pepperman said it began with a conversation with Mercedes Moné.

“It initially started with a conversation with Mercedes,” Jennifer Pepperman said. “I worked very closely with her at WWE, and so it sort of, you know, started as a conversation that she has this really great opportunity to come to this really great company, and would I have any interest in coming along with her. First, I have to say I adore Mercedes, not only as a person but as a talent. She’s one of those people that is really, really special.

“She’s someone who has been a pioneer in this industry. People talk about breaking down barriers and shattering glass ceilings. Well, that’s exactly what Mercedes has done. She’s so inspiring to me. I think Mercedes doesn’t even actually know how talented she is, and we just really connected creatively. I love the creative process. What I love most about the creative process is that it’s collaborative.

“I believe the creative process is best when it’s collaborative and Mercedes is a really great collaborator. We work really well together, and I just believe in her so much. The WWE was a really great place for me. I worked with a lot of really great people there, I have a lot of friends there. I wish them well. But for me, Mercedes and I, our working relationship was really unique and really special, and so it was a chance to continue that journey wherever it might take us.

“So I have to say one other thing though about coming to AEW, so that was the first step, and when I met with Tony, I immediately wanted to come work here. From his creativity, his passion, his joy, his love for professional wrestling. Mercedes was the first step and as soon as I met Tony, I was like, ‘I need to be here’.”

When asked what the differences have been between working for WWE and AEW, Pepperman said the structuring of the two companies is very different, but she loves the freeness of creativity she’s found in AEW.

“The structuring of the show is very different from how we would structure a show on WWE and I’ve been fascinated by that. The amount of storytelling within a match, and the amount of pay-per-view matches we have on AEW continues to amaze me. I’m also struck by the freeness that really sparks creativity here. So I think that’s been a really cool thing. Also, I feel at AEW, everyone really gets to feel heard creatively and I think that’s also really, really important.” [H/T:]

READ MORE: Mercedes Moné Praises AEW’s Jennifer Pepperman: She Helped Me Find My Voice, We’re Like Peanut Butter And Jelly

What do you make of Jennifer Pepperman’s comments? What storylines do you think she’s been responsible for since joining the company? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.

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