John Cena Denies Ever Taking Performance Enhancing Drugs

7 months ago 41

John Cena has maintained his impressive physique throughout his lengthy career in professional wrestling, garnering admiration from fans since his days in OVW to his ascent to the WWE’s main roster. Yet, amidst the accolades, there have been lingering questions about whether Cena has always relied solely on natural means to achieve his muscular build, or if he dabbled in performance-enhancing substances.

During recent appearance on the Howard Stern Show, Cena addressed these inquiries head-on, affirming that he has never resorted to performance-enhancing drugs, even when discussing his ability to lift massive weights.

Cena stated, “The profession calls for it. Yeah, you gotta lift folks and throw them.”

Stern probed further, questioning Cena about his commitment to staying “all natural.”

Cena responded, “Still. Yeah, still.”

Stern then speculated on the potential benefits Cena might have enjoyed had he chosen to use such substances, remarking on Cena’s already impressive physique.

Cena acknowledged the temptation but emphasized the risks involved, saying, “There’s risk-reward there. You know, if you hit the gas pedal too early, you can get a lot of bad stuff happen long-term… I love to work out. Like you said, I know it’s important. I love it. It’s kind of like my meditation.”

Stern delved deeper, asking if anyone in the wrestling industry had ever suggested to Cena that using performance enhancers could further boost his career prospects.

Cena dismissed such suggestions, revealing, “Not really. I’ve been 225 pounds since I was 17 years old. So I always feel that my frame…I guess that’s why I never needed it.”

He further explained his approach to monitoring his health, stating, “I get my bloodwork done three times a year, and my testosterone is fantastic for a 47-year-old.”

Stern sought clarification on the significance of Cena’s testosterone levels, prompting Cena to elaborate on its implications for his overall well-being and longevity.

Cena explained, “It’s an indicator of, like, how much my body can repair itself, how much I can build, how many days I’m gonna feel good, how many days will I feel intrinsically driven to do work.”

John Cena’s unwavering commitment to maintaining his physical prowess through natural means stands as a testament to his dedication to his craft and his enduring respect for the integrity of his profession.

Do you believe that John Cena has never taken performance enhancing drugs? Let us know in the comments below.

February 21, 2024 3:06 pm

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