John Cena Reflects On Getting Comfortable With Nude Scene In ‘Trainwreck’

6 months ago 28

Outside of the WWE realm, John Cena is also a successful Hollywood star. One of his most notable roles is in the movie Trainwreck. In the film, he has a very memorable nude scene. Cena recently shared his experience filming the scene.

During his recent appearance on the Howard Stern Show, the 16-time WWE World Heavyweight Champion mentioned how the director Judd Apatow and his co-star Amy Schumer helped him feel comfortable throughout the scene.

“Spandex sock that tapes here and then tapes to your perineum. No, I did. [did wear that]. Yes. Judd and Amy were so great about like, ‘Everybody clear the room. We’re going to have one camera op.’ But I don’t care. So literally for that scene it started with a camera operator, focus puller, and a boom guy. By the end of the scene, they had catering set up in there. Everybody was in there. But it’s… I think the more comfortable you can be with it, the more you lose yourself in the thing. Because I thought that scene is just so great. 

“So that was a scene based off of a moment in Amy’s life where she had sex with a guy who was way too athletic for her. And it became too much of a chore. So I auditioned for it and I auditioned with Amy and Judd Apatow manning the camera. And I had been run out of movies before. I did a bunch of bad movies.”

John Cena on why he entered Hollywood

John Cena also shared the real reason why he chose to enter Hollywood.

“So I think it was twofold. One, my body’s like, ‘Hey mind, you say you can do this forever. I’m gonna give you another five years max.’ And that was me saying like, ‘Oh, if I super take care of myself, I can stretch it into ten.’ And for me, ten years is like, I’m going to live forever. But that’s a blink of an eye in the WWE. You’re on the road so much and you blink your eye and a decode goes by. So, I think just me realizing that it’s something I can’t do forever. Combined with the fact that I didn’t have a lot of wild creative freedom in the WWE.

“I had complete creative freedom over how I could curate my character. But I couldn’t turn bad. And that limits what you are capable of. So playing the same character over and over again for 15 years every week without an off-season. I still love it. I still do. That’s why I still go back. But then someone gives you an opportunity of like, ‘Hey you want to be this weird awkward naked guy?’ ‘Yeah. Fuck yeah. That sounds great. Let’s do it,’” John Cena said.

Do you enjoy John Cena the wrestler more or John Cena the actor?

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