Judge Denies Vince McMahon's Motion To Enforce Federal Court Stay In Janel Grant Case

1 month ago 17



 Vince McMahon

Ethan Miller/Getty Images

Judge Jeffrey Meyer has denied Vince McMahon's motion to enforce the stay order in his lawsuit with Janel Grant after she filed action against Dr. Carlon Colker seeking medical records pertinent to the case. After the lawsuit – in which Grant alleges sexual exploitation and trafficking at the hands of McMahon and John Laurinaitis – was stayed pending a DOJ investigation into allegations against McMahon, Grant sought medical records from Colker citing discrepancies in those previously provided. In response, McMahon filed a motion for the enforcement of the stay order, reasoning that her actions had violated the order imposed on the suit. 


On August 6, Judge Jeffrey Meyer's response was filed, "The court denies defendant McMahon's motion to enforce the Court's stay order for failure to show that there has been a violation of the Court's stay order." 

The filing reasoned that the Federal Court does not interpret the stay order as applicable in Grant's state court proceedings. It was further noted that if there was any objection to state court proceedings, those objections should be dealt with at the state level. 

"Ms. Grant's attempt to seek discovery in state court despite a stay in federal court is completely underhanded and exemplifies her consistently deceitful behavior; we will, per the Federal Court's order, continue to pursue a court order to stop her," Jessica Taub Rosenberg, counsel to Vince McMahon told Wrestling Inc. when asked for a comment.


When asked for comment, Janel Grant's attorney Ann Callis referred Wrestling Inc. back to her comment when the motion was initially filed, "We did not violate a federal stay by filing a state action against a non-defendant."

In Grant's action seeking medical records, it's stated that she was sent to Colker and his clinic, Peak Wellness, at the direction of McMahon. During which, she received treatments, including IV infusions and pills that weren't disclosed to her. It's also said that when she asked of the substance, Colker pushed back in refusal, "...He responded with pushback about trust, including, 'If you don't trust me, we have bigger problems.'"



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