Julia Stiles opened up about spoofing her iconic movie Save the Last Dance during a cameo on Saturday Night Live. If you forgot, the 43-year-old actress appeared on the show in December 2023 to participate in a skit during Weekend Update with Chloe Fineman. During it, the pair recreated her final dance from the 2001 movie. In a recent interview, Julia looked back on the funny skit and revealed that it came together at the very last minute. Keep reading to find out more… “They contacted me the Friday before the Saturday show,” she recalled about the gig during an interview on Watch What Happens Live, via The Hollywood Reporter. “I scrambled to find someone to take care of my kids until the middle of the night.” Even though it came together suddenly, Julia noted that she was “thrilled” about it. “I didn’t know what the sketch was going to be until, I think, probably Saturday morning,” she admitted. “But I thought it was so cool. I was excited to be there. It was so fun.” Did you see that Julia recently reunited with one of her former costars?