Justin Bieber shared some photos of himself lighting up a bowl amid his winter vacation. The 30-year-old “Peaches” hitmaker took to social media on Monday (January 20) to post some pics from a trip to Aspen, Colorado. In them, he appears to be taking a hit of marijuana through a glass pipe. Keep reading to find out more… The photos, which have a heavy orange cast that adds a sense of drama, were posted on Instagram and capture the process of him lighting the bowl before putting it to his mouth and seemingly taking a hit. Smoke billows around him in later images. He presented these pics without comment. However, a few hours later he shared a powerful post to mark Martin Luther King Day. That one featured a photo of MLK. In the caption, he shared one of the iconic activist’s quotes: “Hate can’t drive out hate only love can do that.” Justin has been posting quite a bit during this trip. Last week, he shared some photos of himself wearing nothing but his underwear.