Keep off N-Delta region, Navy warns criminals  

5 months ago 33
PHOTO shows Naval officers and ratings of the NNS-Delta.participating in the quarterly Route March on Saturday

Photo shows Naval officers and ratings of the NNS-Delta participating in the quarterly Route March on Saturday

The Nigerian Navy Ship Delta on Saturday warned criminals to steer clear of its areas of operation or get prepared for the consequences.

This was as the Navy admonished its personnel to stay out of trouble and be mindful of how they use social media.

The NNS Delta Commander, Commodore Abba Muhsin, while leading officers and ratings gave the warning on Saturday shortly after the quarterly Route March by the personnel of the Command in Warri.

He said, “NNS Delta Areas of Operation is not for the criminals. We are calling on them to leave peacefully while the good people do their legitimate businesses.”

The exercise began at about 6:15 am at the Warri Naval Base, en route Okere Road through Airport Road connected to the NPA expressway and terminated at the Navy base.

Commodore Muhsin said, “As long as you want to stay with us, we will get you, therefore, leave before the law catches up on you”.

Speaking on the Route March, Muhsin explained that the exercise represents the Navy’s readiness, physical fitness and the true military spirit of its personnel.

He added that the exercise was aimed at reviving the personnel’s conduct, endurance and collective abilities to fulfil the mandates bestowed on them by the federal government.

“This particular Route March falls within the core values of the Nigerian Navy which are: teamwork, professionalism and integrity.

“The Route March covers the teamwork aspect which is while we are together and feeling the impacts together.

“Both officers and ratings know what it means to endure, going through long distances without water as part of our training,” he said.

On the civil-military relations, Commodore Muhsin thanked the people of Delta particularly the residents in Warri.

“You could see that the men, women and youth all came out to wish us well. We are with them and they are with us.

“We enjoy the relationship and we are going to do more to reach out to them, that we are here to give them the protection they needed,” he said.

Earlier, Muhsin Earlier, Muhsin admonished the personnel to stay out of trouble and be mindful of the way they use social media.

“Do not make yourself vulnerable in whatever way. If you must find yourself in a social media, it must be within the acceptable standard”, he said.

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