Kelani Jordan Retains North American Title Against Tatum Paxley

1 month ago 15

Although not as packed with women’s matches as night one, we have night two of The Great American Bash on NXT this week.

Kelani Jordan vs. Tatum Paxley

The match kicked off with a lockup, as Kelani and Tatum exchanged wristlocks. Kelani flipped out of Tatum’s reversal, leading to a series of athletic counters. The action intensified with Kelani executing a series of armdrags and a leaping leg drop, sending Tatum to the outside. Kelani followed up with a dive, but Tatum cleverly crawled under the ring, luring Kelani into a trap. Tatum then hit a knee strike as the show went to a picture-in-picture break.

When we returned, Tatum was targeting Kelani’s knee, attempting to weaken her. Kelani managed to escape and hit a sunset flip for a near fall. The match continued with fast-paced exchanges, including a bulldog from Tatum and a cartwheel kick from Kelani. Wendy Choo appeared on the ramp, distracting Tatum with a Kelani doll. Despite the interference, Kelani missed a split-legged moonsault, allowing Tatum to hit a 450 splash for a close two-count.

Kelani countered Tatum’s top-rope move with a Spanish Fly, followed by a frog splash for the pinfall victory.

Winner: Kelani Jordan

After the match, Wendy Choo handed the Kelani doll to Tatum, only to attack her, dropping Tatum to the floor. Wendy then stared menacingly at Kelani, hinting at future conflict.

Wren Sinclair approached Charlie Dempsey backstage, discussing an alliance with The Family. Charlie agreed to let Wren join their stable if she won her match later in the night.

Earlier in the day, a backstage party was in full swing. Ashante flirted with Jaida Parker, who remained focused on the Women’s Title, while Lola Vice bragged about her own title aspirations. Tyson DuPoint also talked about Thea’s match from last week. The segment ended with Vice, Parker, and Sol Ruca putting recruit BJ Ray through a table after he tried to hit on her.

Wren Sinclair vs. Kendal Grey

The match began with both competitors jockeying for position, with Wren gaining the upper hand with a takedown. Kendal reversed into a headscissors, but Wren quickly regained control with a wristlock and a series of technical exchanges. Kendal managed to bait Wren into a crossbody for a one-count, but Wren transitioned into a half-bow and arrow, then a full bow and arrow, applying pressure on Grey.

Grey escaped and countered with a neckbreaker and a belly-to-belly suplex, sending Wren to the outside. As Grey threw Wren back into the ring, Myles tried to interfere, but Grey knocked him down. After a modified Angle Slam by Grey, Myles distracted her on the apron. Despite the interference, Wren rolled up Grey for the pin, securing her victory without help from Dempsey.

Winner: Wren Sinclair

Lastly, Roxanne Perez was seen entering the party backstage. Robert Stone suggested holding a multi-women’s match for the NXT Women’s Title, featuring all the women Roxanne has yet to defeat, setting the stage for a future title defense.

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