KoKMA participates in BRICS International Municipal Forum in Moscow

6 days ago 5

 Manage­ment and staff of three municipal as­semblies from the Greater Accra Region have participated in the Sixth International Municipal Forum of BRICS, held in the Rus­sian Capital, Moscow.

BRICS is a grouping of the world’s leading emerging market economies, namely Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa formed to promote peace, securi­ty, development and cooperation globally.

The 40-member delegation led by the MCE of the Korle Munici­pal Assembly (KoKMA), Nii Adjei Tawiah, was invited on the ticket of the Government of Moscow through Mr Sergey Cheremin, Minister of the Government of Moscow Department for Exter­nal Economic and International Relations of Moscow and depu­ty Chairman of the Organising Committee for the preparation of the International Municipal BRICS Forum.

The two-day forum was aimed to strengthen relations among BRICS cities and promote international municipal cooperation with repre­sentatives from over 120 countries with over 5,000 participants in attendance.

Nii Adjei Tawiah, briefing the Ghanaian Times in Accra on Ghana’s participation in the BRICS forum, mentioned La Dede Ko­topon and Ledzokuku Municipal Assemblies as the two municipal assemblies constituting the Ghana’s delegation.

Among major topics discussed at the forum were: International In­ter-Municipal Integration: Explor­ing ways to enhance collaboration between Municipalities, Transport Infrastructure Development: Shar­ing best practices for improving urban transport systems.

The rest included addressing challenges and innovations in public health and education sec­tors, Information Technologies in Urban Development: Leveraging technology to enhance municipal services and governance.

He told the Ghanaian Times that he made a presentation on the topic: ‘Leveraging Business and In­vestment Opportunities in Africa, The case of Accra City Region, Ghana.’

According to him, by addressing challenges such as political instabil­ity in some African countries, and infrastructure deficits, investors can capitalise on Africa’s growing markets and resource availability to continue to and gain from the continent.

He also spoke on Successful Regional and Municipal Develop­ment Practices Exemplified by the African Continent: using technolo­gy and innovation to promote city governance in Africa.

The KoKMA MCE also noted that integration of technology and innovation into city governance was not just an option but also a necessity for Africa’s urban future, adding that by embracing digital tools, data-driven decision-making, and innovative practices, African cities could overcome many of the challenges posed by rapid urban­isation, resource constraints, and infrastructural deficits.

Furthermore, he stated that the effective use of technology can enhance transparency, improve service delivery, and foster citizen engagement, leading to more resilient and sustainable urban development.

“As we look to future, it is cru­cial for city governments, business­es, and civil society to collaborate in building smart, inclusive cities that harness the power of technol­ogy and innovation for the greater good. “Let us continue to inno­vative, invest, and work together to make Africa’s cities models of good governance and hubs of prosperity for all,” Nii Adjei Tawi­ah explained.

He emphasised the need to have sister city relationship and collab­oration with the city of Moscow and other cities within the Russian Federation in order to develop economic, cultural and technical exchange activities.

On his part, Mr Cheremin underscored that the forum served as a platform for dialogue among decision-makers, facilitating the ex­change of innovative technologies and practices.

He stressed the potential for Moscow’s entrepreneurs to build international ties with their coun­terparts in BRICS nations and other nations, particularly in the field of information technology.

The VI International Municipal Forum, the Minister of the Gov­ernment of Moscow said, it pro­vided a vital platform for Nii Adjei Tawiah to engage with leaders from around the world, exchanging ideas and strategies for sustainable urban development.


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