Kpeve, Fodome Ahor communities in V/R get health facilities

4 months ago 36

Two health facilities and a staff bungalow at Kpeve in the Afadjato South District and at Fodome Ahor in the Hohoe Municipality of the Volta Region were yesterday inaugurated at separate ceremonies by outgoing Deputy Minister of Health, Mr Mahama Asei Seini.

The health centre was inaugurated for the people of Kpeve while that of Fodome Ahor benefited from a Community-based Health Planning Services (CHPS) Compound and a staff bungalow to enhance healthcare delivery.

The GHS 1.9 million projects were funded by the Korea Foundation for International Healthcare (KOFIH) to complement the government’s effort in providing quality healthcare to deprived communities.

Speaking at the separate functions yesterday, Mr Asei Seini, explained that the project was another step towards strengthening the primary healthcare services as envisaged in the government’s goal of ensuring a healthy population for national development.

According to him, the Ministry of Health’s roadmap for Universal Health Coverage (UHC) envisaged towards accelerated efforts to improve access to quality essential healthcare for all residents in Ghana was on course.

“Therefore the two projects are timely and will ensure delivery of essential health services in these communities and beyond as government will continue to foster partnership with development partners like KOFIH to deliver more of these projects to achieve the Universal Health programme.

The Volta Regional Director of Health Services, Dr Chrisantus Kubio, in his welcome address noted that the contribution of development partners in terms of capacity building, funding, equipment and other non- drug logistics was very key in healthcare delivery.

He noted that the government on its own was doing the best to improve health care in deprived areas and commended KOFIH for the huge investment, assuring that it would not go waste.

The Country Director of KOFIH, Bomin Young, in his remarks, said at long last they were happy that the two projects had been completed on time and would provide quality health care to the people.

He added that the success was not only about the construction but the performance of staff.

The District Chief Executive of Afadjato South, James Etornam Flolu, expressed optimism that the provision of the facility would help improve healthcare delivery in all the adjoining communities.

He urged the staff and the communities to take very good care of the facility so that it would continue to serve many more people.

Togbe Akorli lll,  Dufia of Fodome Ahor, in a speech read for him, thanked KOFIH for the projects, adding that it would save the community members from travelling long distances for their health needs.


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