La Dade-Kotopon MP visits La General Hospital project site

4 months ago 32

The Member of Parliament (MP) for the La Dade-Kotopon Constituency, Ms Rita Naa Odo­ley Sowah, yesterday visited the ongoing reconstruction of the La General Hospital project to access the progress of work on site.

Among other things, Ms Sowah said the visit was to verify if there are materials and equipment on site for the projects and also to access the extent of work done so far, so that she could inform her constituents.

As at the time of the visit, work was ongoing with excavation works being done for the main facility, while the portion for the residential block is being con­structed.

The hospital edifice was demol­ished in July 2020, due to several structural issues reported by the hospital’s administration.

Speaking to the press after tour­ing the site, the MP expressed her delight about the commencement of work on the hospital project.

‘I’m delighted that after several noise from residents and stake­holders in La for government to reconstruct the demolished the La General Hospital, work had begun on the project,” Ms Sowah noted.

She said that it was her duty to monitor all developmental projects under her jurisdiction to ensure they were executed on time to benefits the tax payer.

Ms Sowah noted that, her greatest joy would be to see the foundation of the main block of the hospital being laid.

‘Even though work has began and am glad about it, my greatest joy will be when the foundation blocks of the main hospital which comprises of the Out-Patient Department (OPD), Theaters and others are laid one after the anoth­er, then I will know the hospital is coming up,” she added.

Ms Sowah pleaded with con­tractors to ensure that the facility is completed at the stipulated time to ensure that the people of La and its surrounding communities could access health care delivery without difficulties.

Briefing the MP, the Project Manager of Vista, the Consulting firm, Mr Richard Dadey, gave the assurance that, if all goes as planned, the OPD session of the hospital would be ready for use by the end of October, this year.

Mr Dadey however, explained that the project was expected to be completed within 28 months at a cost of 50 million euros.

He hinted that government had released mobilisation fee of the project to the contractors for work to process.

The Project Manager said as at the time of visit of the MP, all demarcations needed had been carried out and excavation was still ongoing to determine how deep the main hospital block should go.

Mr Dadey said the new facility would house, a five-story OPD, emergency, accident and other wards, administration and other offices.

The facility would also have a seven-story residential block, mortuary, car park and other attachments.


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