Leyla Hirsch Wins Bloody Texas Death Match At ROH Death Before Dishonor

2 months ago 7

Leyla Hirsch walked away with her arm raised, but she didn’t walk away unscathed.

Hirsch beat Diamante in a Texas Death Match at ROH Death Before Dishonor. Both women ended up bloodied and banged up, with Hirsch finally winning the match with a moonsault off of a giant ladder to put Diamante through a table.

ROH Death Before Dishonor Results

The following match recap is from our live coverage page.

Texas Death Match

Texas Death Match: Diamanté vs. Leyla Hirsch

Diamanté comes out, and Hirsch tosses her a chair. They start swinging at each other. Diamanté sends her, crashing off the ramp and through a table. Hirsch makes it back to her feet. Diamanté brings her down to the ring. She hands Hirsch upside down in the Tree of Woe position and kicks two chairs into her face. Diamanté hits Hirsch with a chair and busts her open. She charges Hirsch, but Leyla moves, sending Diamanté head-first into a chair. Hirsch sends Diamanté into a chair. Hiesch dumps some thumbtacks onto the mat. She slams Diamanté onto the tacks and dumps some more onto her.

Diamanté evaded a moonsault, so Hirsch landed on the tacks. She taped Hirsch to the ropes and hit her with a shoe. Diamanté brought out a tack-studded shoe and ground it onto her head.

Diamanté sets up a barbed wire board on some chairs. The two foes battle on the apron. Hirsch dropped Diamanté with a Samoan drop through the barbed wire board. Hirsch gets a ladder and a table and puts them in the ring. Hirsch tapes Diamanté to a table and hits a moonsault off a ladder to put her through it. Hirsch gets back to her feet, but Diamanté can’t answer the ten count, so the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Leyla Hirsch

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