‘Love Me’ Review: The Evolution Of Love In A World Without Humans – Sundance Film Festival

5 months ago 31

Set in a post-human world, Love Me, directed and written by Sam and Amy Zuchero, unfolds an unconventional love story between two inanimate objects starring Steven Yeun and Kristen Stewart. These entities stumble upon each other in the digital realm and, through the remnants of human knowledge, adopt new identities in hopes of evolving their relationship.

In a world where humans no longer exist, an ocean 350 Smart buoy or “Me” (Stewart) and a space satellite, “I am”  (Yeun) discover each other online. As a Satillite with the knowlgede left behind by humanity, these objects adopt new identities via the intetnet. 

They embark on a quest to attain human characteristics by mimicking videos from the internet, and social media focusing particularly on content from two social media personalities, Déja and Liam, also depicted by Stewart and Yeun. Throughout their journey, as the buoy and satellite evolve into sentient entities, they grapple with questions about the nature of love and the disparity between our true selves and the personas we showcase to the world.

Love Me is an imaginative film that plays with the concept of a meet-cute between inanimate objects. This film proves that reinventing the wheel isn’t necessary to craft an engaging narrative. By altering the environment, dynamics, and subjects, it breathes new life into a familiar trope.

Interestingly, the film challenges the concept of self-identity through its unusual protagonists—a buoy and a satellite. As they navigate their understanding of ‘being human,’ the film points out that they don’t need to. This is the crux of the story: accepting oneself and reality is essential for any relationship to flourish and emphasizes the human need for companionship. 

The central theme of Love Me is the exploration of life and love. It delves into the philosophy that to live is to love—not just loving another person, but also loving  the world you live in, and ask an important question: how does one create love as a human being? It suggests that there is no singular way to be a good person, thus encouraging a varied perspective on life and morality.

Despite its strong start with grounded concepts and themes, it gradually loses focus. The story becomes cluttered with various messages, making the central theme elusive and the plot somewhat disorganized. Consequently, the film strays from being funny and charming to something more erratic and challenging to follow. As the film goes on, it begins to seem like a short film concept that was extended to 90-minutes for a feature which it shouldn’t have been. 

Love Me is a film with a novel premise and significant themes. It adeptly uses unconventional characters to explore profound questions about life and love. Yet, it falters in maintaining a cohesive and focused narrative, deviating into a less compelling territory.

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