Manchester United have now made an approach to Newcastle United Sporting Director Dan Ashworth – Report

4 months ago 29


Manchester United have now made an approach to Dan Ashworth.

This news breaking on Wednesday (14 February 2024) night.

The very reliable David Ornstein of The Athletic breaking the story.

Ornstein sayin that that the Newcastle United Sporting Director has informed his club of the approach from Manchester United.

The man from The Athletic saying that his information is that so far there has been no contact between the two clubs but that he anticipates that is set to change very soon.

The Athletic report – 14 February 2024:

‘Dan Ashworth has informed Newcastle United that he has been approached by Manchester United in relation to the sporting director position at Old Trafford.

The Athletic reported on Tuesday that Manchester United have made Ashworth their top target, with the situation expected to develop rapidly.

Formal contact is yet to take place between the clubs, although that is anticipated soon and the 52-year-old is said to be open to the opportunity.

The matter is complicated by Ashworth being under contract on Tyneside and that makes it likely Manchester United would need to pay significant compensation to secure his services.

Ashworth joined Newcastle United after resigning from his post as technical director at Brighton & Hove Albion in February 2022, then serving three months of gardening leave.’

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