Matt Riddle Says Randy Orton Signed Off on Pitch For Team RKBro’s Conclusion

6 months ago 34

Matt Riddle became a controversial name in WWE because of his problematic actions outside the squared circle, but he never failed when it came to in-ring action. This is especially true for his time working with Randy Orton. He might not be part of WWE anymore, but that doesn’t mean Riddle didn’t have pitches for his team with Orton.

Before Randy Orton took a break due to injury, he and Matt Riddle formed the tag team known as Team RKBro. Winning tag team championships together, they became notable highlights on WWE television.

Given Randy Orton’s history of betrayals, fans anticipated a heel turn with him attacking Matt Riddle, potentially ending their successful tag team. However, contrary to expectations, Riddle suggested to WWE officials that he should be the one to turn heel.

Matt Riddle informed The MMA Hour that he proposed to WWE officials that he should be the one to turn heel. His reasoning was that, given Randy Orton’s popularity, fans would still support Orton even if he played the role of a villain.

“This was my suggestion, and talking to everybody in the office, and even Randy agreed, was the smarter idea would be if I turned on him,” said Matt Riddle. “Because Randy being the legend that he is, and me just being a babyface, even if Randy turned on me and is a bad guy, he is a legend. He is Randy. He has done more PPVs, more RAWs, more than like everybody. Even if you boo him, you’d love to boo him.”

The Original Bro acknowledged the fantastic chemistry he had with Orton and believed their matches would still be solid. He thought the storyline could have reached a sensible conclusion with him playing the role of the antagonist.

“So, I’m like, ‘Guys, me trying to get sympathy when Randy is beating me isn’t going to work. They are just going to cheer Randy beating me up.’ Now, if I attack Randy when you’re not expecting it and hurt Randy, and I take him away, the crowd is going to be real mad at me, and I’m going to get nuclear heat. And we have good chemistry, and the story will play out as it shall.”

Matt Riddle also thinks that a reunion with Randy Orton is guaranteed. Riddle might not be part of WWE anymore, but he will always have a lot of respect for his time with The Apex Predator and that’s what matters to him the most.

Do you wish Matt Riddle betrayed Randy Orton in the end? Let us know in the comments section below!

February 29, 2024 11:49 am

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