May God settle all virgins before this year ends

1 month ago 22

Dear Madam Temilolu,

I will be 42 years old next month and I have never had sex with any man to the glory of God. I have fallen into the hands of men that I got engaged to, who tried to rape me, and which made me to end the relationship.

They claimed to be Christians but they still misbehaved. One almost took my life!

He was ready to kill me that day because I told him that if I was still breathing, no way would a man I’m not married to, have sex with me.

He wounded me thinking I would be tired but God made me escape like a dog from a lion’s den, I give glory to God. As I am now, I am not in any serious relationship.

I only have casual friends and I will be 42 years old in the next two weeks.

Please, remember me in your prayers. I believe God has a purpose for my life; I do counsel people too but I also need a like-minded person that will join me in prayer.

Thanks in anticipation, ma. May God bless you, ma.

Miss Ademola

Dear Aunty Temilolu,

I am still a virgin but my mother keeps threatening me that she will throw my belongings outside and that I should be ashamed of myself still living in her house at the age of 26.

She wants me to leave the house by all means even if it is to latch on to just any man out there. I’m so distraught and don’t know what to do.


Dear Mummy Temilolu,

I met a man in his 30s at a wedding where I happened to be one of the bridesmaids. At the reception, he asked for my number, which I gave him.

He later messaged me and from there we became friends. He asked me out and I accepted but surprisingly he began to talk about marriage not up to a month after our meeting.

I had enquired from him if he would support his wife’s dream to further her education and he responded that he wouldn’t as many women cheat on their husband in the process.

The relationship is a long-distance one.

I’m a 200-level Law student in Benin Republic while he stays in Oyo State. He has plans of traveling outside the country and he said he wants to come and visit my people but I was totally against it.

My reason is that I lost my parents when I was eight years old, so I told him that I would want to stay wherever my future hubby would be so I could get the parental love I missed.

He started promising heaven and earth and I told him I would pray and get back to him. I prayed and meditated on the whole issue and concluded relationship/marriage is a big distraction to me now.

When I told him, he got angry and blocked me on all social media platforms.

Mummy Temi, I hope I didn’t do anything wrong. I’m just a young girl trying to achieve my dreams since none of my siblings was able to go to school.

I just don’t want to let them down, my late parents inclusive. He is the third person whose marriage proposal I’m turning down. Please, advise me ma.

My precious, golden and very uncommon Miss Ademola,

Your story is jaw-dropping I must say! I’m so sorry about what you went through at the hands of your ex and wished you pressed charges. I can bet you were just more than thankful you were able to escape from the lion’s den! Wow!

What can I say other than to let you know that God is going to make that lout very very sorry for what he did to you and glorify you all around!

Yes! When I say all round, I mean He’ll over-satisfy you in all ramifications and give you more than you can ever imagine in life generally and not only in marriage!

I just need you to take a closer walk with him. The devil is very wicked and clever and to outsmart it and get the very best out of your situation, you have to ensure you have absolute control over your destiny.

Believe me, I have seen virgins whose lives ended up like a rock where nothing can grow.

They ended up with no jobs, husbands or children! This is a very serious matter! How can you be a solid receptacle of the power of God and not enjoy life or have the most enviable life?

To be continued.

I invite you to follow me on Facebook –TEMILOLU OKEOWO Instagram @ Okeowo Temilolu.

Are you still engaging in pre-marital sex? Each act devalues you! Your wonders are waiting to start. God is waiting for you to become a secondary virgin! You are most welcome on board the chastity campaign train and Girls Club is open for all girls and ladies. Please text your name, age, school or occupation and State of domicile to 07086620576.

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