Men can’t give what sexual purity can avail you

1 month ago 17

Dear Madam,

I must let you know your articles on sexual purity deserve a national award and a standing ovation. Thank you so much, Evangelist Temilolu Okeowo. May God Almighty reward you abundantly.

Olukayode Okunowo

Dear Mummy Temilolu,

I’m a 22-year-old virgin full of lofty dreams. In fact, countless times, I’ve dreamt of how glorious my life would be and the type of marriage I would have in the future, even though I’m very scared of getting married because of what my mother endured being married to a very difficult, unappreciative, and heartless man like my father.

To think he was her first and only boyfriend until they got married, and she remained untouched until her wedding night.

Early last year, one of the pastors in my church told my mother to be on the lookout for a man who would come into my life, turn things around for us, and give us much-needed relief. I later met a man I could call a once-in-a-lifetime benefactor during my youth corps service.

I can’t begin to tell you what he did for us within my first three months in his office where I was posted.

I can comfortably say that in one year, he’s done more than my father ever did for me in all my 22 years on earth, and I will be forever grateful because he has placed me on a sturdy platform of self-reliance if I manage my resources well.

In the last few months, he’s been pressuring me, saying he wants a deeper relationship with me. In fact, but for a persistent phone call during my last visit to his office, he would have had his way with me. Between you and me, even though I see this man as a father figure, I have a huge crush on him. He took super care of me and made my mother smile again. I’m so tempted to give in as I don’t feel good denying him anything within my reach. Please advise me, ma!

Miss T.

My darling Miss T,

Hmm… I thank God you decided to write to me before falling into the arms of your benefactor. I also thank God for sending help to you and your mother. However, I fear for you and pray with all my heart that this last year of great relief does not end up being the best year of your life.

May God bless this man for his kindness, but why would you want to get into a sexual relationship with him? Do you know what his real motives are? How are you so sure he hasn’t been gaining so much in return for all the goodies he gave you and now wants to take advantage of the tip of the iceberg and empty you completely by having sexual intercourse with you, thereby tapping into your virtues, stars, and all that God has deposited in you to make you shine and prosper in life?

Haa…haa…haa…may you not find your life suddenly retrogressing in your dreams. This is a very serious matter, please.

Why do you want this man to come between you and God? How are you so sure God didn’t appoint him to give you comfort specifically because you’ve been an obedient girl, refusing to defile your body?

Please think of the wonderful plans God has for your future, the type of marriage He promised you, and so much more He’s yet to unveil.

You’d be pleasantly surprised at what He’s still planning for you. I know a good number of ladies who enjoyed a life of luxury, courtesy of their “sugar daddies” in their 20s, only to find themselves completely emptied, now begging from hand to mouth in their 50s when their beauty and glory have faded, and no man wants to even touch them with a 10-foot pole, let alone find them attractive enough to sleep with.

I can confidently say that if this man offers to buy you a car just to entice you into sleeping with him and you refuse it, God can give you an aircraft! I know what I’m talking about! You are a very blessed child, and you’re loaded with great glory, which is why that man is magnetised to you.

If I were you, I’d use my current ‘untouched, uncontaminated, unspoilt’ state of virginity to make the most out of life now, acquire the much-needed spiritual power that would enable me to live the life of my dreams, align with God’s divine agenda for my life, and coast through life while conquering the devil, who will always want to rear its ugly head until I become too hot for the devil to handle or delay.

May your dreams not shatter into smithereens in Jesus’ name.

If you’re deflowered and yet to be married, you can surrender to God, let Him process you, and realign you with His original plans for your life.

I invite you to follow me on Facebook – TEMILOLU OKEOWO, and Instagram @ Okeowo Temilolu.

Are you still engaging in pre-marital sex? Each act devalues you. Your wonders are waiting to start. God is waiting for you to become a secondary virgin. You are most welcome on board the chastity campaign train and the Girls Club is open to all girls and ladies.

Please text your name, age, school or occupation, and state of residence to 07086620576.

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