Nat’l House of Chiefs asked to clarify stand on galamsey

6 hours ago 1

 The Ghana Co­alition Against Galamsey has called on the National House of Chiefs to clarify its position on illegal mining, popularly known as galamsey, and actively join the fight against environmental degradation.

According to the Coalition, chiefs have crucial role in protect­ing natural resources in the various communities against illegal mining.

The group said, “We urge them to join forces of opposition to the menace that threatens the very lives of their subjects and those of posterity. We believe that with the right actions, a positive change is not only possible but inevitable.”

The Coalition made the call in a statement issued in Accra on Mon­day, by its Convener, Dr Kenneth Ashigbey, on behalf of the group, comprising a network of organisa­tions from some blocs.

They are the media, labour, religious bodies, youth groups, research and academia, pressure groups, civil society organisations, professional bodies and business bodies.

The call on the National House of Chiefs follows the House’s purported rejection of any ban on all forms of mining in the country conveyed by its President, Ogye­ahoho Yaw Gyebi II.

“The Ghana Coalition against Galamsey, with a sense of pressing urgency, has noted with utter disappointment that the position of the National House of Chiefs conveyed through its president, purporting to reject any ban on all forms of mining. The Coalition further notes the House of Chiefs’ notable silence and its belated position, now published,” the statement disclosed.

“The seemingly rather shocking endorsement of illegal mining is particularly worrisome considering the constitutional mandate en­trusted in the body to act as custo­dians of the customary resources of the various communities led by its members”, the Coalition noted.

It said the remarks by the presi­dent of the House was contradic­tory to the House’s communique, dated February 6, 2024, which outlined actions against galamsey.

“The Coalition is not unaware that some chiefs have been com­plicit in the ongoing poisoning of water bodies and destruction of farmlands in the name of galam­sey.

“The House of Chiefs’ seeming opportunistic posture places this body on the wrong side of history as Ghana fights for its very life”, the statement said.

The Coalition said the statement was in line with its spirited cam­paign against galamsey and inten­sified calls for the government to take decisive action, following the wanton destruction of river bodies and forest cover


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