NBCU’s Donna Langley On Impact Of Possible Sony-Paramount Merger: “There Will Be Further Consolidation, It’s Sad” – Cannes

4 months ago 29

As fears stack up in the industry over a possible Sony and Paramount merger, subtracting one major motion picture studio from the industry, The Chairman of NBCU Studio Group and Chief Content Officer Donna Langley weighed in on what that impact will be at Cannes.

“There will be further consolidation. It’s sad,” said Langley, “I’ve been a big believer in a competitive landscape that all boats will rise. More healthy competitors are better for the business.”

“I’m hoping by the end of the year, we’ll know where it settles, it’s enough reading about this one or that one.”

Langley spoke about how the theatrical landscape has changed post Covid, a trend that’s being experienced throughout the media landscape.

“These are trends that were really put in motion before the pandemic,” said Langley with Covid accelerating the shift of consumer behavior.

She mentioned that the theatrical global market is down more than 20% from pre-Covid times.

“We’re not going to recapture that.”


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