Neighbours Connect support Asofan school

5 months ago 42

Neighbours Connect, a Non-Governmental Organsation (NGO), on Friday donated educational materials worth GH₵10,000 to pupils of Asofan MA4 Basic School in the Ga North Municipality of the Greater Accra Region.

The items, which included school uniforms, bags, footwear, socks, exercise books, notebooks, pens and pencils, formed part of the NGO’s annual project dubbed ‘Neighbours Connect Care for the Less Privileged (NCCLP)’.

The Founder of the NGO, Ms Josphine Asmah, said the donation was to cause a change in society and impact the lives of the pupil, especially the less privileged.

According to her, the organisation which was a group of dedicated Facebook friends, and extended to WhatsApp was formed in 2019 with the aim of giving back to society.

“Last year, we visited those less privileged at Circle, providing them with essential care such as haircuts and medical attention. We distributed clothes and food, touching the lives of those in need.

This year, we chose Asofan MA4 Basic School because we noticed many learners wearing torn uniforms, worn-out school slippers and some even going bare footed. This eventually affects their academics because a child in that situation might not feel happy to go to school so our goal as a group is to boost their confidence by addressing these basic needs,” she added.

Ms Asmah indicated that the group’s dedication to support communities goes beyond the confines of social media, hence their focus this year on the deprived public school children at Asofan MA4 Basic School.

“Many a time people think it is the orphanages who only needed help but there are other people out there who are less privileged and also needed help. So this is our focus as a group, by extending help to all to also give them hope that they’re not forgotten,” she stated.

The Headteacher of the school, Mr Christian Ahiaba, on behalf of the school management, thanked the NGO for the support and said it would go a long way to improve the academic performances of the children.


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