Nick Cannon: ‘everybody’s always trying to get me to have more kids’

5 months ago 31

As you all know, Nick Cannon has 12 children with six different women, ranging from ages 12 (his twins with Mariah Carey) to 13 months (daughter Halo Marie with Alyssa Scott). Over the last couple of years, Nick has gotten a lot of side-eye – to put it nicely – over his large brood and his unconventional arrangement with his children’s mothers. This arrangement involves Nick only financially supporting them as long as they don’t date anyone other than him while stipulating that he can date as many women as he wants to.

Nick, for his part, has always outwardly expressed happiness and been welcoming of all of his children. He even drops $200k a year to take them to Disneyland! In a recent interview with People, Cannon was asked about his kids, including what it’s like having them in such an extensive age range, what’s rewarding about it, and whether or not there’s room for one more.

The most challenging aspect of having teens to infants: “My entire life is challenging. I don’t live a normal existence, but I embrace it. I love challenges. I wouldn’t say there was one specific thing that stands out more than another. Every day, there’s a new challenge, and I accept it.”

The most rewarding part of fatherhood: “Just hearing your kids say, ‘I love you, Daddy.’ You know what I mean? The first time they say it, whether they’re one year old or 18 months, to hearing it from your kids that are on the brink of being teenagers, there’s nothing better than that,” he continues, also noting that “big hugs” and “picking them up from school” are some other “best” moments.

From Christmas to Spring Break: Currently, Cannon says that he is “finally coming up for air” after celebrating the holidays with his kids and is now “preparing for all the spring break type of stuff that’s right upon us. So, a lot of getting back outside again, a lot of basketball starting back up, and just a lot of sports and outdoor activities. As a dad, that’s the kind of stuff you structure your schedule around, all of your kids’ extracurricular activities.”

Cheaper by the Baker’s Dozen? When asked if he has any plans to welcome any more kids to his larger-than-life brood, Cannon laughs, telling PEOPLE, “I’m chilling right now. There’s no plans on the horizon as of yet. It’s so funny, everybody’s always trying to get me to have more kids. It’s like, 12 ain’t enough?”

[From People]

I mean, for me, two was enough, so if you want my opinion, I’d say yes, 12 is plenty, lol. I’m glad he finally got there. As for most rewarding moments, there really is something to be said about how happy your kids are to see you when you pick them up from school. (Three of Nick’s kids are school-aged and a couple are preschool-aged.) Those hugs really are just the best. I also really enjoy the bedtime chats I have with my boys, which is when they’re most willing to openly share. I wonder how much Nick actually picks his school-aged kids up or participates in bedtime.

I do wonder who exactly is trying to get him to have more kids. People who love reporting on this kind of stuff? The women with whom he already has children? Are there new girlfriends in the mix? Is it his publicist who just wants a head’s up? You know, Nick, there’s a way for men to continue having unprotected sex without the threat of pregnancy. It’s called a vasectomy. I promise it won’t take your manhood away from you. It will only lessen the amount of time and money you have to spend at Disneyland.

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