Nicolas Cage is hard at work on the set of his forthcoming Prime Video television series Spider-Noir. The 61-year-old actor, who first voiced the Spider-Man variant in 2018′s animated Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, is currently filming the spinoff show in San Pedro, a neighborhood in Los Angeles. On Thursday evening (January 16), he filmed new scenes for the show, wearing a three-piece suit and a long overcoat. The actor had a serious expression on his face as he performed for the cameras. Keep reading to find out more… The new series “tells the story of an aging and down on his luck private investigator (Cage) in 1930s New York, who is forced to grapple with his past life as the city’s one and only superhero.” If you missed it, we seemingly got a big hint about the villain that will be featured in the series. Did you see the new red carpet pics of Nicolas and his wife at the 2025 Golden Globes? Scroll through all of the photos of Nicolas Cage on the set of Spider-Noir in the gallery…