Nkwanta communal conflict: Lay down arms, engage in dialogue ….Oti Regional Minister-Designate appeals to feuding factions

3 months ago 28

Feuding factions in the communal conflict at Nk­wnta in the Nkwanta-South Municipality of the Oti Region have been called upon to lay down their arms and engage in dialogue to settle their differences amicably.

The Oti Regional Minister – designate, Deputy Superintendent of Prisons (DSP) (Rtd) Daniel Machator who made the call, said development of the region depended on peace as a prerequi­site for progress, and, therefore, imperative that all chieftaincy dis­putes were addressed amicably for a conducive environment to spur development in the Oti Region.

He was speaking at the swear­ing in ceremony of two newly confirmed Municipal Chief Executives (MCEs) for Nkwan­ta-South Municipality, Mr Felix Owusu Gyimah, and the MCE for Krachi-West, Mr Patrick Kwaku Bulator yesterday.

At the Regional Capital Dambai where the ceremony was held, DSP Machator said that the re­gion was entangled with chieftain­cy and other conflicts that would lead to tension and unrest, thereby posing significant threat to the development of the region, a de­velopment he called on the people to live in peace as one people with a common destiny.

According to the Regional Minister Designate, the cultural diversity of the region should be used to the advantage of the people rather than to divide them and to effectively use the econom­ic potentials of the area, to the benefit of the people.

He assured that he was com­mitted to building initiatives that would cultivate a conducive atmo­sphere for investment and growth which would definitely bring prosperity to the people.

The Volta Regional Minister, Dr Archibald Yao Letsa, who swore in the MCEs, asked Municipal and District Chief Executives (MDCEs) to swiftly implement government’s development pro­grammes and policies, including the “One District, One Factory’’ (1D1F) and Planting for Food and Jobs (PFJ).

Dr Letsa expressed optimism that the two would work hard to justify the confidence the President, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, and the assembly members reposed in them by bringing the needed development to the residents in their respective areas.

The Nkwanta-South MCE, Mr Gyimah, thanked the President and the assembly members for the confidence reposed in them, and gave the assurance that they would live up to expectation and called for cooperation from stakeholders to enable them to deliver more effectively on their mandates.


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