NSS deploys 13,516 trained teachers for national service

3 months ago 23
• Mr Osei Asibey-Antwi Executive Director, NSS • Mr Osei Asibey-Antwi Executive Director, NSS

A total of 13,516 trained teachers from the various accredited Colleges of Education have been posted to basic and second-cycle schools across the country to under­take their one-year mandatory national service.

They were deployed by the National Service Scheme (NSS) Secretariat on March 4, this year.

This was contained in a state­ment signed and issued in Accra by Ambrose Entsiwah Junior, Acting Director of Corporate Affairs, NSS.

It asked all Service Person­nel in the category to log onto www.nss.gov.gh on the scheme’s website to check their place­ments.

The statement further direct­ed the trained teachers to the various NSS Regional Secretar­iats to complete the registration process.

It noted that the registration would commence on March 8 at all centers.

The statement urged all deployed trained teachers to accept their placements and report accordingly.


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