NUST survey of Newcastle United fans – Interesting top line overview results

1 month ago 14


NUST have now published the results of the latest survey of their members (Newcastle United fans).

Asking questions about how Newcastle United supporters now feel about various issues.

The 2024 survey carrying some interesting talking points.

NUST having made the following top line results available.

The NUST Annual Survey – An overview

NUST stating:

‘On Monday 13 May, we held a productive meeting with the club to present a high level summary of the survey, which continued constructive dialogue on an array of key topics incorporated into the report.’

Are you in favour of away game ID checks (question only for Season Ticket holders):

50% No

32% Yes

18% No opinion

If supporters could transfer an away ticket a fixed number of times a season, how many would be fair?

0 – 21%

1-3 – 40%

4-6 – 24%

More than 6 – 15%

What has been your ballot success this season?

More than 75% – 5.1%

50-75% – 8.1%

25-50% – 26.3%

Less than 25% – 60.6%

Recommendations / Suggestions

Consider a membership system that rewards past attendance at games.

Provide more information on ticket allocation and ballot success rates.

What is your preference on the future of St James’ Park?

19% – New stadium

73% – Renovated SJP

8% – No preference

(My comments – A bit of a pointless question in many respects. As only if we knew the options could we make a choice, such as where the potential new stadium would be located, plus the possible capacities of a renovated SJP v a new stadium. The voting as well suggesting that it was overwhelmingly fans with season tickets voting and/or those who aren’t trying to get into matches these days via a membership).

The club is clear and transparent when it comes to numbers of tickets available and allocated for home games

55% – Strongly disagree / Disagree

20% – Strongly agree / Agree

25% – Neutral / Don’t know

The club is clear and transparent when it comes to numbers of tickets available and allocated for away games

52% – Strongly disagree / Disagree

19% – Strongly agree / Agree

29% – Neutral / Don’t know

Using third party ticket sites to buy tickets for St James’ Park matches this season

44 respondents had used a third party ticket website to purchase home tickets this season.

39 said their ticket worked without issue.

5 said their ticket was fraudulent and they couldn’t access the stadium.

(My comments – Rather bizarrely and ridiculously, Newcastle United have claimed these tickets don’t even exist, even though other Premier League clubs, such as Brentford and Man U, have released reports stating how they are tackling this, numbers of tickets they have found to have been sold on such sites, those fans selling them at inflated prices getting banned. These clubs employing people specifically to tackle the serious problem)

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