NXT No Mercy 2024 Results

1 month ago 10

No Mercy 2024

Date: September 1, 2024

Location: Ball Arena, Denver, Colorado

Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T.

It’s another NXT pay per view to cap off a big holiday weekend and in this case, the big story is a TNA wrestler getting an NXT Title shot. The main event will see TNA’s Joe Hendry challenging Ethan Page for the NXT Title with former NXT Champion Trick Williams as the guest referee. Let’s get to it.

The opening video is a standard recap of most of the card.

Tag Team Titles: Chase U vs. Axiom/Nathan Frazier

Chase U is defending in a rematch against the former champs. Axiom ties Chase up to start and grabs something like an abdominal stretch so Frazier can add a running boot. Frazier dropkicks Chase into the corner so Holland can come in to drop Frazier with a faceplant. It’s back to Chase, who is quickly taken into the corner so the double teaming can ensue.

Chase gets away again and hands it off to Holland, who grabs a Downward Spiral on Frazier. Axiom comes in and gets thrown down with a toss suplex, setting up Holland’s top rope headbutt for two with Frazier making the save. Chase is taken up top but the super Spanish Fly is broken up. Instead Chase slips out and hits the super Spanish Fly, followed by a tiger bob for two.

We settle down to Holland chopping away at Axiom, who actually strikes back and scores with a superkick. A dive takes Chase down and a frog splash hits him back inside. Frazier’s 450 gets two but Chase kicks him in the face before playing Animal in a Doomsday Device. A buckle bomb/enziguri combination gets two, setting up Holland’s Northern Grit for two more with Axiom making the save.

The brainbuster/Golden Ratio combination gets two more but another Golden Ratio hits Frazier by mistake. A powerbomb/Backstabber combination gets two more on Axiom before he and Holland go outside. Chase goes up top for some reason, only to get caught with the super Spanish Fly into the Phoenix splash to give Frazier the pin and the titles a 13:31.

Result: Axiom/Nathan Frazier b. Chase U – Phoenix splash to Chase (13:31)

Post match the champs leave….and Holland wrecks Chase U. The lifting DDT plants Chase onto the announcers’ table to leave him laying.

Video on Pete Dunne vs. Trick Williams.

We recap Wes Lee vs. Zachary Wentz. They used to be friends, then they split up when Wentz got fired, then Lee became a singles star, then Lee turned on him, saying Wentz abandoned him. Now Wentz is ready to get revenge.

Wes Lee vs. Zachary Wentz

Wentz’s TNA X-Division Title, which he won on Friday, isn’t on the line. They both miss flips to start and the shots to the face have the same result. Wentz kicks him in the face and hits a spinning middle rope crossbody for two. The threat of a superkick sends Lee outside, where Lee gets smart by going after the knee. Back in and Lee hammers away before sending Wentz face first into the middle buckle.

They lock hands and slug it out until Wentz is back with a nasty spinning knee to the face for the breather. Lee gets sent outside for a running kick to the chest, followed by a middle rope flip dive to the floor. Back in and a Swanton gives Wentz two and he grabs a Boston crab. That’s broken up so Wentz superkicks him and goes up, only to be hurricanranaed down. A middle rope Phoenix splash gives Lee two and the Cardiac Kick gets the same.

Wentz hits a running flipping DDT before knocking Lee outside for a much needed breather. Rather than waiting him out, Wentz follows him to the floor but gets sent into the steps. Lee’s running knees only hit steps though, only for him to knock Wentz onto the announcers’ table…which collapses. A top rope Meteora to the floor drops Wentz again and Lee puts him up against the post. Lee loads up a chair but their teammate Trey Miguel breaks it up, allowing Wentz to hit a Canadian Destroyer off the apron. Back in and the UFO (a springboard cutter) finishes Lee at 13:40.

Result: Zachary Wentz b. Wes Lee – UFO (13:40)

We recap Kelani Jordan defending the Women’s North American Title against Wendy Choo. Jordan is the young, plucky star who has worked hard and is an athletic marvel. Choo is weird and obsessed with sleep.

Women’s North American Title: Kelani Jordan vs. Wendy Choo

Choo is challenging and takes her down for a stomp onto the mat to start. Back up and Jordan sends her to the floor for a twisting dive, followed by a spinning moonsault back inside. Choo twists the neck around to take over and kicks her in the back but Jordan escapes the Tree Of Woe.

Jordan grabs a sitout DDT for two and a frog splash gets the same. A powerbomb gives Choo two and she grabs the Million Dollar Dream, with Jordan fighting up after two arm drops. Jordan fights up and knocks her down, setting up the One Of A Kind to retain the title at 13:20.

Result: Kelani Jordan b. Wendy Choo – One Of A Kind (13:20)

Post match Tatum Paxley runs in and chokes Choo out before leaving the doll next to her.

We look back at Ridge Holland turning on Andre Chase, who was taken out in an ambulance.

Holland has nothing to say.

North American Title: Oba Femi vs. Tony D’Angelo

D’Angelo, with his Family, is challenging and takes him down to start. Back up and D’Angelo charges at him but seems to hurt his ankle in the process. Femi grabs a suplex and sends him flying, setting up a running elbow in the corner for two. A huge shoulder breaker (with a Papa Shango name drop) gets two on D’Angelo but he comes back with a fisherman’s suplex for the same.

They slug it out until D’Angelo grabs a powerslam for a breather. An electric chair drop gives D’Angelo two more and it’s time to go outside. Femi takes a crowbar from the Family but gets sent into the steps for taking too long. Back in and Femi hits a quick toss powerbomb for two, followed by the regular powerbomb for two. D’Angelo is back with a spinebuster but can’t cover, allowing Femi to hit back to back powerbombs to retain at 13:44.

Result: Oba Femi b. Tony D’Angelo – Sitout powerbomb (13:44)

Trick Williams tells Ethan Page he’ll call the match right down the line tonight. Page threatens him, but Williams does it right back.

Zachary Wentz is done with Wes Lee and is grateful to have Trey Miguel by his side. They want the NXT Tag Team Titles.

We recap Jaida Parker challenging Roxanne Perez for the Women’s Title. Parker won a gauntlet match for the shot despite still being relatively new to wrestling. Perez brought up being a prodigy at her age so Parker slapped the taste out of her mouth.

Women’s Title: Jaida Parker vs. Roxanne Perez

Perez is defending and Parker stares at her to start. A hard slap staggers Perez and a suplex sends her flying. Back up and Perez sends her to the floor, where Parker catches a dive in a fireman’s carry. Perez slips out and kicks her hard into the steps, with Parker’s ribs being banged up.

Back in and Perez hits a dropkick to send her to the apron again, with Parker being rammed into the post. An abdominal stretch has Parker in more trouble before Perez sits her on the middle rope. Perez sits on her ribs and dances a bit, only to have Parker come back with a heck of a sitout powerbomb for two.

Back up and Parker pulls her out of the air for a ram into the buckle, setting up the top rope sitdown splash with Perez laid over the ropes. Parker comes up favoring the ribs though and Perez tries the Rings of Saturn but Parker powers out. Parker’s moonsault misses but she’s able to escape Pop Rox. The running hip attack sends Perez crashing to the floor, where Parker misses a running hip attack through the barricade. Pop Rox on the floor drops Parker but they both beat the count. Back in and Pop Rox retains the title at 14:48.

Result: Roxanne Perez b. Jaida Parker – Pop Rox (14:48)

Post match Perez poses….and Giulia debuts for the big staredown. Yeah that works.

Ava announces a triple threat match for a future Tag Team Title shot this week, plus that the NXT Title will be on the line during the premiere on the CW on October 1.

We recap TNA’s Joe Hendry challenging Ethan Page for the NXT Title. Page is in over his head against the wildly popular Hendry and Trick Williams, who Page beat for the title, is guest referee.

NXT Title: Ethan Page vs. Joe Hendry

Hendry is challenging and Trick Williams is guest referee. They lock up to start and Williams breaks it up both times, being totally fair early on. Hendry takes him down by the arm and Page is frustrated. Back up and some shoulders don’t go anywhere for Page so Hendry puts him down with a suplex. A sunset flip gives Hendry two before Page just starts hammering away to put him in trouble.

Hendry gets sent into the corner and suplexed for two as Williams continues to be a mostly neutral factor so far. A super powerslam gives Page two and he goes up again but this time Hendry grabs a super fall away slam for the big crash. Page bails to the floor and gets taken out by a running dive, only to sent Hendry into the steps. The Ego’s Edge to the apron has Hendry down and Page wants the countout. That’s good for a nine, allowing Hendry to hit his own Ego’s Edge for a near fall.

There’s the fall away slam and the fans believe, with the Standing Ovation connecting…but Page’s foot is under the rope. Hendry yells so Page shoves him into Williams, with a standing Ovation to Hendry getting two from a second referee. Page brings the belt in but gets it taken away, allowing Hendry to roll him up for two. A DDT onto the belt (the referee is fine with it) gets two as Williams runs in to break up the count because he is the real referee. Page decks the second referee and kicks Hendry low, setting up the Ego’s Edge to retain at 15:07.

Result: Ethan Page b. Joe Hendry – Ego’s Edge (15:07)

Post match Williams is annoyed and it gets even worse when Pete Dunne jumps him to end the show.


Axiom/Nathan Frazier b. Chase U – Phoenix splash to Chase

Zachary Wentz b. Wes Lee – UFO

Kelani Jordan b. Wendy Choo – One Of A Kind

Oba Femi b. Tony D’Angelo – Sitout powerbomb

Roxanne Perez b. Jaida Parker – Pop Rox

Ethan Page b. Joe Hendry – Ego’s Edge

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You can find more from Thomas Hall at kbwrestlingreviews.com, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30 wrestling books.

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