NXT Results – April 30, 2024 (Spring Breakkin Week Two)

5 months ago 23


Date: April 30, 2024

Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida

Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T.

The Draft is done and now it is time to wrap up Spring Breakkin. Last week’s card was absolutely stacked while this week’s show isn’t quite as big. The main even seems to be Natalya vs. Lola Vice in NXT Underground. Other than that, we might find out what is next for new NXT Champion Trick Williams. Let’s get to it.

We open with a recap of Trick Williams winning the NXT Title last week.

Here is Williams for his big celebration as champion. He likes the sound of hearing his name as champion but he wants to thank Ilja Dragunov. Raw is getting a good one, but this is officially the Whoop That Era. Cue Lash Legend to praise Williams, who thinks something is going on.

The last time they were in the same ring, she hit him in the face, but now he has some gold and now she wants him to be her Reese’s Cup: take the gold off and get to the chocolate inside. Legend is more into Kit Kats but she has an envelope, which means the end of his title reign. We don’t see what is in said envelope and Legend leaves.

Gigi Dolin and Arianna Grace are at a fancy dinner so Dolin can learn dining etiquette. This turns into a preview for the show.

North American Title: Oba Femi vs. Ivar

Ivar is challenging. They slug it out to start with Ivar getting the better of things by clotheslining him to the floor for a dive off the apron. Back in and the spinning powerslam gives Ivar one but Femi is back with an Irish Curse. They’re already back on the floor, where Femi is sent into the steps, setting up a big crash against the barricade.

We take a break and come back with Ivar knocking him off the top again and hitting a big flip dive to the floor. Back in and Femi runs him over with a hard forearm for two but Ivar knocks him back down for the same. It’s too early for the Doomsault though and Femi pulls Ivar into a torture rack drop for two. Ivar is back up with another knockdown and now the Doomsault connects but Femi makes the ropes. Another Doomsault is loaded up but Femi cuts it off with an electric chair drop. The pop up powerbomb retains the title at 11:04.

Result: Oba Femi b. Ivar – Pop up powerbomb (11:04)

Post match Wes Lee returns after several months away and the fans approve.

Thea Hail talks Fallon Henley into coming with her to ringside.

Thea Hail vs. Jacy Jayne

The rest of Chase U, Fallon Henley and Jazmyn Nyx are all here too. They slap each other in the face to start and go to the floor with Jayne taking over. We take an early break and come back with Hail springboarding into a neckbreaker for two. Jayne misses a Cannonball though and they’re both down. Hail is back up with a Michinoku Driver for two but Jayne kicks her outside. Henley shoves Hail out of the way from a kick from Nyx, allowing Hail to Kimura Jayne for the tap at 7:59.

Result: Thea Hail b. Jacy Jayne – Kimura (7:59)

Post match Henley decks Hail to turn on her and leaves on her own.

Tyson DuPont and Tyriek Igwe are coming to NXT tonight. They’re strong and smart.

Natalya and Karmen Petrovic are warming up.

OC vs. Tyriek Igwe/Tyson DuPont

Igwe powers Anderson into the corner to start, setting up the hard shoulders to the ribs. The bigger DuPont hits a splash for two but Anderson drives Igwe into the corner for the tag to Gallows. Some forearms to the chest set up the chinlock, with Igwe having to power up into a fireman’s carry. DuPont comes back in with a side slam to Anderson and everything breaks down. Anderson grabs a spinebuster and the Magic Killer finishes Igwe at 4:17.

Result: OC b. Tyriek Igwe/Tyson DuPont – Magic Killer to Igwe (4:17)

We look at NXT stars being Drafted. A bunch of the coaches talk about what it means to them too.

Here is Ava for a big announcement. We are indeed going to have a Women’s North American Champion, as crowned in….a ladder match at Battleground, with twelve wrestlers competing in qualifying matches. Cue Jaida Parker, Sol Ruca, Arianna Grace, Michin and a bunch of other women to say they should be champion. A huge brawl breaks out.

The Street Profits wish Axiom and Nathan Frazer luck against the AOP tonight. Never slow down.

Lola Vice and Shayna Baszler train for NXT Underground.

Shawn Spears vs. Ridge Holland

Spears sticks and moves to start before bailing to the floor for an early break. Back with Spears getting two off a neckbreaker and putting on a reverse chinlock. A front facelock is broken up with pure power and Holland drives some shoulders to the ribs in the corner. The mysterious QR code pops up on the screen as Holland hits a Death Valley Driver into the corner. A lifting DDT (Paige’s old Rampaige) finishes Spears at 7:35.

Result: Ridge Holland b. Shawn Spears – Lifting DDT (7:35)

Roxanne Perez yells at Ava about not getting Drafted, even though champions were protected.

Josh Briggs mocks Ivar for losing to Oba Femi. Wes Lee comes in to say he’s coming for the title, but Briggs seems to be standing in his way.

The Final Testament is ominous.

The D’Angelo Family wants the Heritage Cup and it’s going to be a group effort.

Tag Team Titles: AOP vs. Axiom/Nathan Frazer

The AOP, with the Final Testament, are challenging. The fight is on before the bell with the champs superkicking AOP outside. Some dives connect as well and we ring the bell, with Akam throwing Frazer down. Frazer gets caught in the wrong corner and AOP fires off the hard knees to the ribs. Rezar’s neck crank doesn’t last long and it’s back to Akam for a hard German suplex.

We take a break and come back with Rezar missing a running boot but Akam comes in and gets Frazer into the corner. Frazer DDTs his way to freedom but Rezar sends Frazer into a knee to the face for two. The Last Chapter is broken up and Akam is taken up top, only to have Scarlett grab Axiom’s foot. Massive ejections ensue but here is the New Catch Republic for a distraction, allowing Frazer to superkick Akam into a rollup for the pin to retain at 9:34.

Result: Axiom/Nathan Frazer b. AOP – Rollup to Akam (9:34)

Ridge Holland of all people checks on Thea Hail, who is crushed by Fallon Henley’s betrayal.

Meta Four will reveal Lash Legend’s envelope next week.

Fallon Henley tells Kelani Jordan that she’s going to start putting herself first.

Edris Enofe and Malik Blade are worried about breaking a mirror last week but Brinley Reece has the solution: black cats!

Here’s what’s coming next week.

Natalya vs. Lola Vice

NXT Underground, meaning the ropes are gone and the ring is surrounded by wrestlers, with knockout/TKO/submission to win and Karmen Petrovic and Shayna Baszler are the respective seconds. Vice strikes away to start and they fight out to the floor before going with the grappling back inside. Natalya grabs a kneebar but Vice kicks her way out. A hip attack sends Natalya outside and we take a break.

Back with the fight heading to the floor again with Natalya sending her into the apron. A snap suplex on the floor has Vice in trouble but she trips Natalya on the announcers’ table. Back in and Vice grabs a triangle choke with some elbows to the head but Natalya slips out anyway. Natalya can’t power out of a guillotine so she drops it to the floor for the break in a smart move.

The Hartbreaker around the post has Vice in more trouble but Petrovic has to jump an invading Baszler. Back in and Baszler breaks up a Sharpshooter attempt, only to have the second attempt go on. Baszler Kirifuda Clutches Petrovic so Natalya breaks the hold like a moron, allowing Vice to get up and hit a spinning backfist for the knockout at 11:53.

Result: Lola Vice b. Natalya – Spinning backfist (11:53)

Ava announces that Roxanne Perez is defending the Women’s Title against Chelsea Green. Perez is livid but Green thinks she’ll like it here.


Obi Femi b. Ivar – Pop up powerbomb

Thea Hail b. Jacy Jayne – Kimura

OC b. Tyriek Igwe/Tyson DuPont – Magic Killer to Igwe

Ridge Holland b. Shawn Spears – Lifting DDT

Axiom/Nathan Frazer b. AOP – Rollup to Akam

Lola Vice b. Natalya – Spinning backfist

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You can find more from Thomas Hall at kbwrestlingreviews.com, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30 wrestling books.

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