NXT Results – July 16, 2024

2 months ago 17


Date: July 16, 2024

Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida

Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T.

The big story coming out of last week was the return of Joe Hendry, who showed up in the main event and teamed with Trick Williams to beat Shawn Spears and Ethan Page. That could be something that continues this week, though Hendry isn’t someone who appears on every show. Other than that, we need to start getting ready for the Great American Bash so let’s get to it.

The Rascalz are ready for Gallus.

Gallus is ready for the Rascalz.

Rascalz vs. Gallus

The fans are rather happy to see the Rascalz. Mark shoves Miguel down to start as Booker makes sure Vic doesn’t say Joe Hendry’s name. Wentz comes in but gets forearmed straight into the corner as the villains take over. That’s broken up so Lee comes in for a headlock, only to get his head taken off with a clothesline. Booker says he hasn’t seen a trio like Gallus since the Freebirds, making me wonder how Booker has a job talking about wrestling. Someone says Hendry’s name and he appears, joining commentary as we take a break.

Back with Lee avoiding a charge in the corner and bringing Wentz in with a missile dropkick. Everything breaks down and Miguel’s Lightning Spiral (similar to a Paige Turner) hits Mark with Wolfgang making the save. A triple dropkick puts Wolfgang on the floor and the dives connect (Hendry approves) and it’s a top rope double stomp to pin Mark at 12:05.

Result: Rascalz b. Gallus – Top rope double stomp to Mark (12:05)

Hendry says Gallus might have won if they had believed a bit more.

We get a Hendry narrated video on last week’s tag team main event, with Hendry pinning Shawn Spears for the win.

Chase U has a big night as Duke Hudson is ready to win the North American Title.

Roxanne Perez is walking to the back and Thea Hail has to be held back from jumping her.

NXT Champion Ethan Page comes in to see Ava and says this is an unsafe work environment. Oro Mensah storms in and wants a title shot. Ava says no because Mensah keeps attacking him. Ava gives Mensah a match tonight while Page will face…..Dante Chen (his choice)!

Here is Roxanne Perez for a chat. She’s tired of the lack of respect while everyone is looking at greatness when they see her. Perez is on pace to shatter all of the records but everyone is talking about how Giulia or Stephanie Vaquer is going to run her over. That’s just wrong, but her next opponent is Thea Hail, who is a joke. Cue Hail to say she has beaten all kinds of people she was never supposed to beat so let her rewrite the history books. Perez laughs her off and brings up Andre Chase throwing in the towel before calling Hail a little girl. The fight is on and the Kimura makes Perez tap, with referees breaking it up.

Kelani Jordan is ready for her next challenges when Wendy Choo comes in for some staring. Jordan: “That was weird right?”

We take a quick look at the Brooks Jensen incidents.

Lola Vice gave it her all but she’s ready for next time. Fallon Henley, Jacy Jayne and Jazmyn Nyx come in to mock her, saying Vice should go back to MMA. A match with Henley is made.

Brooks Jensen vs. Je’Von Evans

Josh Briggs is here as Jensen’s chaperon. Evans starts fast and knocks him out to the floor, where Jensen drops Evans onto the barricade. A quick moonsault drops Jensen though and spinning kick to the face gives Evans two back inside. They go back outside where Jensen drops him onto the announcers’ table (Jensen: “That boy’s bouncy!”) and we take a break.

Back with Jensen kneeing him down to stay on the bad ribs. The reverse chinlock goes on but Evans is back up with a super hurricanrana. A springboard high crossbody gives Evans two but Jensen Neutralizes him for the same. Cue Shawn Spears, only for Jensen to go outside and call Briggs off. Evans uses the distraction to hit a big dive, setting up the top rope cutter for the pin at 9:00.

Result: Je’Von Evans b. Brooks Jensen – Top rope cutter (9:00)

Post match Jensen jumps Evans but Briggs pulls him off.

The D’Angelo Family is playing cards when Charlie Dempsey comes in to mention putting someone (presumably Damon Kemp) in the trunk last week. Dempsey asks what happens if someone saw them, with Tony D’Angelo suggesting that Dempsey kill them too. It’s a woman though, which makes it more complicated.

Dante Chen is ready for his title shot.

Trick Williams is on the phone with Ilja Dragunov and talks about needing the title back. Dragunov tells him to go do it. Williams runs into Pete Dunne and asks for some advice, with Dunne saying figure it out.

NXT Title: Dante Chen vs. Ethan Page

Page is defending and shoulders Chen down to start. Chen grabs a quick rollup for two and a low superkick gets the same. Page sends him outside for a shoulder from the apron, setting up a powerslam for two back inside. Chen is sent to the apron but comes back in with a sunset flip for two. The double chop gets the same but a springboard something misses for Chen. Page kicks him down and hits the Ego’s Edge to retain at 4:16.

Result: Ethan Page b. Dante Chen – Ego’s Edge (4:16)

Post match Oro Mensah comes in to take Page down and counts his own three count.

Video on Duke Hudson vs. Oba Femi.

Gallus is annoyed at Joe Hendry, who appears to say he’s sticking around here. Maybe NXT would think of Gallus when they hear about Scotland if they believed a bit more.

Izzi Dame vs. Tatum Paxley

Paxley starts fast but her hurricanrana is cut off. A kick to the face gives Paxley two but Dame whips her into the corner a few times. Dame’s backbreaker gets two and we hit an over the shoulder backbreaker. Cue Wendy Choo for a distraction, allowing Paxley to get in a knee to the ribs. Dame’s charge hits post and the Psycho Trap gives Paxley the pin at 4:05.

Result: Tatum Paxley b. Izzi Dame – Psycho Trap (4:05)

Post match Choo hands Paxley a doll.

Chase U fires up Duke Hudson.

Cedric Alexander and Ashante Thee Adonis talk to Jakara Jackson and Lash Legend but Oro Mensah isn’t having this.

Jacy Jayne vs. Lola Vice

Jazmyn Nyx is here with Jayne, who runs Vice over and dances a bit. A low superkick lets Jayne go after the bad hand bu Vice is back up with the rapid fire kicks. Jayne kicks her in the face, only to get caught with the spinning backfist for the fast pin at 2:46.

Result: Lola Vice b. Jacy Jayne – Spinning backfist (2:46)

Post match Fallon Henley jumps Vice until Sol Ruca and Karmen Petrovic run in for the save.

Kelani Jordan runs into Tatum Paxley, who has the doll. Jordan isn’t interested in playing, but Paxley pulls out what looks like a Jordan doll.

Ethan Page goes to leave but insists that nothing is bothering him, including Oro Mensah.

OTM vs. OC

Mixed six person tag. It’s a brawl to start with Michin hammering away on Parker in the corner but getting sent into the post. Parker gets two off a spinebuster but it’s off to Gallows to kick Price in the face. Price hits a running corner clothesline so Nima comes in to choke on the ropes. The neck crank goes on but Gallows is back up with a fireman’s carry flapjack. Michin comes back in to suplex Parker, who snaps off a German suplex. Anderson’s middle rope neckbreaker gets two on Price and the Magic Killer finishes Nima at 6:00.

Result: OC b. OTM – Magic Killer to Nima (6:00)

Wren Sinclair wants to be part of the No Quarter Catch Crew in exchange for her silence. That isn’t happening, and she almost gets into a fight with Miles Borne. She promises to get in somehow.

Lexis King interrupted Eddy Thorpe’s DJing and got in a fight.

North American Title: Oba Femi vs. Duke Hudson

Hudson, with Chase U, is challenging. Femi powers out of a headlock to start and grabs one of his own. A hard shoulder drops Hudson, who takes the shirt off to get serious. Hudson hits a DDT into a running clothesline to the floor and we take a break. Back with Femi knocking him into the corner and getting two off a side slam.

Hudson fights up again and slugs away, including the Chase U elbow to the face. A German suplex gives Hudson two and a crucifix out of a fireman’s carry gets the same. Femi is right back with a chokeslam for two and he puts Hudson up top, only to have him grab a sunset bomb. Femi knocks him outside and over the announcers’ table, setting up the Fall From Grace to retain the title at 11:33.

Result: Oba Femi b. Duke Hudson – Fall From Grace (11:33)

Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen are leaving with Briggs yelling about how Jensen is lost. Jensen wants a No DQ match next week and leaves to end the show.


Rascalz b. Gallus – Top rope double stomp to Mark

Je’Von Evans b. Brooks Jensen – Top rope cutter

Ethan Page b. Dante Chen – Ego’s Edge

Tatum Paxley b. Izzi Dame – Psycho Trap

Lola Vice b. Jacy Jayne – Spinning backfist

OC b. OTM – Magic Killer to Nima

Oba Femi b. Duke Hudson – Fall From Grace

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You can find more from Thomas Hall at kbwrestlingreviews.com, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30 wrestling books.

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