NXT Results – March 5, 2024

6 months ago 36


Date: March 5, 2024

Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida

Commentators: Booker T., Vic Joseph

We are about a month away from Stand & Deliver and this is a special edition of the show with Roadblock. The main event will determine the new #1 contender for the NXT Title and we are probably going to get some more of the Stand & Deliver card set up. That should make for a big night so let’s get to it.

The opening video, featuring Lexis King, looks at how this is the last big stop on the Road to Stand & Deliver.

Dijak vs. Joe Gacy

Asylum match, meaning in a cage with weapons and pinfall/submission only. Gacy’s fire extinguisher and Dijak’s chair both miss as Joseph talks about the Casey Jones cricket bat hanging from the cage. Dijak sends him into the cage and kicks away before going towards a box labeled DO NOT OPEN.

Gacy gets in a shot of his own and closes said box completely but Dijak opens it up…with a boxing glove springing out to hit him low. Gacy’s Death Valley Driver gets two and we take a break. Back with Dijak hitting a moonsault off the top of the cage for two and the fans are impressed. Gacy, mostly in a straitjacket, suplexes Dijak down and loads up a table with a smiley face painted on.

That takes too long but Gacy knocks him off the ropes and through said table. A Swanton gets two and Gacy gets out of the straitjacket. With nothing else working, Dijak runs him over and wraps some duct tape around Gacy’s eyes. The blinded Gacy is fine enough to hit a swinging Rock Bottom but Dijak kendo sticks him down. Feast Your Eyes gives Dijak the pin at 12:46.

Result: Dijak b. Joe Gacy – Feast Your Eyes (12:46)

The rest of the Family hypes up Tony D’Angelo when Luca Crusifino comes in. D’Angelo wants him to be the consigliere (lawyer/advisor) and Crusifino is in.

Fallon Henley talks to Riley Osborne about his date with Thea Hail. Osborne was worried that things didn’t go well but Henley says Hail got some bad advice. Blair Davenport comes in to mock Henley and a match seems likely.

Tatum Paxley comes up to Lyra Valkyria to say they’ll be more than friends after tonight. They’ll be champions! Paxley says she’ll do anything to win the titles tonight and is ready to take out someone’s soul. Valkyria: “For me or for the titles?” Paxley: “Does it matter?”

Tag Team Titles: Chase U vs. Bron Breakker/Baron Corbin

Breakker and Corbin are defending and the rest of Chase U is here as well. Chase and Corbin start things off with Corbin hitting a quick right hand. Hudson is knocked to the floor as well and a spinning faceplant puts Chase down again. Breakker comes in and runs Chase over with Hudson making the save and sending the champions outside. Chase hits a flip dive off the apron to take them both down and we take a break.

Back with Chase being drive into the corner, setting up Breakker’s belly to back cutter for two. Chase is right back up to get over to Hudson for the house cleaning tag. Hudson hits a swinging Boss Man Slam for two on Corbin and it’s back to Chase with the Fratliner getting two. Corbin hiptosses a charging Chase into the corner and Breakker dives off the apron to clothesline Hudson over the announcers’ table. That leaves Chase to hit a high crossbody for two on Corbin but it’s Breakker coming back in with the spear to retain at 11:16.

Result: Bron Breakker/Baron Corbin b. Chase U – Spear to Chase (11:16)

Post match Thea Hail consoles Chase U and then freaks out and runs away.

Carmelo Hayes is not impressed with Tony D’Angelo and is ready to get his NXT Title back at Stand & Deliver. He is him.

Shawn Spears vs. Uriah Connors

Spears takes him into the corner to start and whispers something in Connors’ ear. Connors slugs away but is caught in the C4 (Death Valley Driver) for the pin at 1:16.

Result: Shawn Spears b. Uriah Connors – C4 (1:16)

Post match Spears talks about how it is hypocrisy to be forced to be what you are instead of what you truly want to be. That must hit home to Ridge Holland, who is lying when he says he fights for his family. The difference is Spears isn’t ashamed of what he is, but here is Holland to hit him in the face. Spears slides him a chair but referees won’t let Holland swing it.

Josh Briggs tries to talk Brooks Jensen out of facing Oba Femi next week but Jensen is ready. Jensen leaves and Dijak comes in, saying Briggs called Jensen his brother but lied right to his face. Briggs must know Jensen is a dead man walking against Femi.

Ilja Dragunov is ready for either Tony D’Angelo and Carmelo Hayes. Stacks and Luca Crusifino comes in to say D’Angelo will be seeing Dragunov at Stand & Deliver.

Women’s Tag Tam Titles: Lyra Valkyria/Tatum Paxley vs. Kabuki Warriors

The Warriors are defending and we get the Big Match Intros. Asuka and Valkyria start things off and neither can get very far. Sane comes in and hammers on Paxley, who crawls over towards her. They slug it out until Sane snaps off a headscissors, only to have Asuka get in a cheap shot from the apron. Asuka’s bulldog into Sane’s kick to the chest gets two as we cut to the back, where Thea Hail and Kiana James/Izzi Dame have to be held apart.

Back to the ring and Paxley sends Sane into the corner to stomp away as Booker says we’ll hear about the Hail brawl on the internet. Joseph mocks internet reporting as the champs are sent to the floor and we take a break. Back with everything breaking down and Valkyria DDTing Asuka. A fisherman’s buster gets two on Sane and everything breaks down, with an enziguri putting Asuka down. Paxley comes in backbreaker/top rope legdrop combination but Sane makes the save. Sane clears out Valkyria and it’s the Insane elbow/reverse DDT combination to finish Paxley at 13:15.

Result: Kabuki Warriors b. Lyra Valkyria/Tatum Paxley – Insane Elbow/reverse DDT combination to Paxley (13:15)

Post match Roxanne Perez runs in and attacks Valkyria, including snapping her arm over the turnbuckle.

Post break Valkyria is taken away in an ambulance with Shawn Michaels even making a cameo as she is loaded in.

Fallon Henley vs. Blair Davenport

Henley starts fast and sends her to the apron, where Davenport snaps her arm over the top. Back in and Davenport works on an armbar but Henley is back up with a running faceplant. They go outside where Henley is sent into the steps, setting up a running knee, which only hits steps instead of Henley. Cue Sol Ruca to take out Davenport from behind though, allowing Henley to hit the Shining Wizard for the pin at 3:30.

Result: Fallon Henley b. Blair Davenport – Shining Wizard (3:30)

Jacy Jayne, with Jazmyn Nyx, yells at Chase U for the loss when Thea Hail comes in to talk about the brawl. A tag match is teased for next week, but Jayne is busy.

Gigi Dolin is in Ava’s office when Arianna Grace comes in. She still won’t fight Dolin but eventually agrees, only if she can bring out Dolin’s inner beauty once she wins. Deal.

Shawn Spears is counting on a match with Ridge Holland next week. He’ll teach Holland to embrace his rage.

Here is the No Quarter Catch Crew for a chat. Drew Gulak brags about Charlie Dempsey’s Heritage Cup win last week, with Dempsey saying this is what wrestling is all about. Damon Kemp says the Catch Clause means anyone can defend the cup. They’re also in the Tag Team Tournament, which is apparently a thing….and here is William Regal to interrupt. Fans: “THAT’S YOUR FATHER!” Regal puts over the Heritage Cup and says it represents all of the British and European wrestlers who came before him. Dempsey: “I’ll defend this cup better than you ever could.” Regal says he’ll be watching.

Noam Dar is catatonic and Meta Four….easily wakes him up, with Dar saying it’s off to bigger and better things.

Mr. Stone is not happy with what Lexis King is saying about his kids and wants Von Wagner to step aside so Stone can fight for his family. Wagner agrees.

Here’s what’s coming next week.

Tony D’Angelo vs. Carmelo Hayes

For the Stand & Deliver title shot. Hayes (with masked personal security) wastes no time by kicking him in the head but D’Angelo rolls forward into a backdrop. A gutwrench suplex sends Hayes flying and a single underhook suplex does it again. Hayes gets knocked off the apron but the security catches him and we take an early break.

Back with Hayes working on the arm as we keep looking at that security. D’Angelo fights up and they slug it out, with D’Angelo grabbing a belly to belly into a spinebuster. Hayes is back with his suplex into a cutter for two and we’re back to the Fujiwara armbar. That’s broken up so Hayes grabs the First 48 for two and goes up…but Trick Williams’ music plays. Hayes is distracted enough that D’Angelo can grab Forget About It to go to Stand & Deliver at 13:30.

Result: Tony D’Angelo b. Carmelo Hayes – Forget About It (13:30)

Post match D’Angelo says he has something for us and here is Trick Williams to beat the fire out of Hayes to end the show.


Dijak b. Joe Gacy – Feast Your Eyes

Baron Corbin/Bron Breakker b. Chase U – Spear to Chase

Shawn Spears b. Uriah Connors – C4

Kabuki Warriors b. Tatum Paxley/Lyra Valkyria – Insane Elbow/reverse DDT combination to Paxley

Fallon Henley b. Blair Davenport – Shining Wizard

Tony D’Angelo b. Carmelo Hayes – Forget About It

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You can find more from Thomas Hall at kbwrestlingreviews.com, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30 wrestling books.

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