Oti Regional Minister-designate meets paramount chief of Krachi

4 months ago 29

The President of the Oti Region House of Chiefs (ORHC) and Paramount Chief of Krachi Traditional Area, Nana Mprah Besemuna III, has called on the Oti Regional Minis­ter-designate, Deputy Superinten­dent of Prisons (DSP) retired, Mr Daniel Machator, to work closely with chiefs in the region in order to bring the needed development to the people.

Nana Mprah Besemuna ex­plained that chiefs were the cus­todians of the land, who played crucial roles in development, therefore, it was important for the minister to collaborate and coordinate development activities with the chiefs to ensure rapid development.

He said the development aspirations of the people in the region were high, and it was im­portant that the minister put his rich experiences over the years to bear on the region, to meet the development desires of the people, and expressed the hope that he would deliver.

The President of the ORHC made the call when the new minister paid a courtesy call on him at his palace at Kete-Krachi in the Krachi-West Municipality to introduce himself to him, seek for his blessings as well as the support of traditional rulers in the region.

Nana Mprah Besemuna assured the minister of the pre­paredness of traditional authori­ties in the region to support him to accelerate development of the area as residents demanded for development all the time.

He observed that the Oti Region had the potential for development, particularly in harnessing the socio-econom­ic potentials of the area to the benefit of the people, and added that the chiefs of the region were confident that the new minister would live up to the expectations of the residents.

For his part, the regional min­ister-designate commended the chiefs and people of the region for their efforts at ensuring peace over the years , which he said was a pre-requisite for development, and asked residents of the region to embrace peace at all times for rapid development.

DSP Machator observed that development could not thrive in an atmosphere of violence, and said chieftaincy and communal conflicts should be seen as enemy to development, and also called on the chiefs and people to help address such negative develop­ments in the region to help bring the needed development to the area.

He commended the President for the confidence reposed in him, which came with many responsibilities, and appealed to the chiefs and people of the re­gion to unite as one people with common goal and destiny to help bring development to the region.

Until his appointment, DSP Machator was the Head of the Public Affairs Unit of the Uni­versity of Media, Arts and Com­munication (UniMAC), served as the Deputy Chief Public Relations Officer (PRO) for the Ghana Prisons Service (GPS), a writer and an award winning columnist.


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