PCO Wins Two Titles, Gets Engaged At TNA Slammiversary

2 months ago 21

PCO is a double champion in TNA — and he has a fiancée!

PCO beat AJ Francis for the TNA Digital Media Championship And Canadian International Heavyweight Championships at Slammiversary.

The finish saw PCO chokeslam Francis onto a pile of chairs, then he hit a PCO-sault for the win. After the bell, Steph De Lander came out and proposed to PCO with a large chrome ring with a bolt on top. PCO accepted and they embraced.

TNA Slammiversary results

Check out a recap of the match, courtesy of our live coverage page:

Francis introduced some footage of his crew attacking PCO backstage. However, Destro is seen lurking nearby. Francis demands to be crowned winner, but Destro and some druids come to the entrance and bring PCO back to life in a coffin.

The match begins with Francis hitting PCO with a chair, but PCO psyches himself up and hits a somersault dive on the floor. He hits the Re-Animator next, then heads up top and hits a moonsault that takes both Francis and Swann out on the floor. PCO goes for a table under the ring but Swann attacks him. PCO goes after him, but Francis runs in and attacks PCO from behind. Francis and Swann set up some tables at ringside, and Francis calls for a chokeslam. PCO blocks it and punches Francis and Swann before chasing Francis around the ring. Francis gets a trash can and hits PCO in the head before throwing it in the ring.

Francis throws more weapons in the ring and runs into a big boot from PCO. AJ knocks him down in the corner and follows with a running knee strike that inadvertently breaks a piece of the table. Francis throws more chairs in the ring, then puts a trash can on PCO’s head and repeatedly smashes it with a chair.

PCO makes a brief comeback before setting up a moonsault, but Francis counters with an electric chair drop on a pile of chairs for two. They move towards the corner, with Francis on the top turnbuckle. PCO picks him up and press slams him through the tables at ringside. Josh Bishop hits PCO from behind with a chair, then hits a Razor’s Edge with PCO falling spine first on the backs of the chairs. After this brutal-looking spot, Sami Callihan runs out with a bat, but Swann stops him from using it.

Closing moments

Swann tries to attack PCO with the bat, but Rhino runs out and Gores Swann. PCO rolls Francis back in the ring and hits a top rope moonsault for a close two count. Francis takes a cheap shot at PCO and hits a Tombstone piledriver, but PCO shocks him by kicking out at two. Francis calls for a chokeslam, but PCO reverses it and chokeslams Francis onto the pile of chairs, then finally hits a moonsault for the win.

Winner and NEW TNA Digital Media Championship And Canadian International Heavyweight Title – PCO

Steph De Lander comes to the ring and proposes to PCO, which he accepts!

READ MORE: Joe Hendry Calls AJ Francis A Perfect Foil, But Someone Should Take His Phone Away

What are your thoughts on this match result? Did the right man leave TNA Slammiversary with the Digital Media Championship? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.

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