Pedro Pascal is getting in a workout! The 49-year-old The Mandalorian actor made his way out to his car after working up a sweat the gym on Tuesday afternoon (January 7) in Los Angeles. For his workout, Pedro looked lean and fit while wearing a black and purple band T-shirt paired with black running shorts. Pedro recently returned home to L.A. after soaking up the sun alongside hunky composer Brandon Campbell during a tropical beach vacation for Christmas. 2025 is gearing up to be a big year for Pedro! The second season of his Emmy-nominated series The Last of Us premieres in April on HBO. He’ll also be starring as Mr. Fantastic in The Fantastic Four: First Steps, which is scheduled to hit theaters on July 25 and will be starring alongside Dakota Johnson and Chris Evans in the rom-com Materialists, which doesn’t have an official release date yet. Pedro recently opened up about getting into fighting shape for Gladiator II.