Police vow to ensure peaceful, incident-free 2024 general election

4 months ago 33

The Ghana Police Service is fully committed to ensuring that the upcoming 2024 elections are con­ducted in a peaceful and incident –free manner, Deputy Commis­sioner of Police (DCOP), Prince Gabriel Waabu, has assured.

He said the Service had implemented various measures, including extensive sensitisation programmes and collaborative ef­forts, with other relevant agencies to address any potential challeng­es that may arise.

Speaking at the launch of JoyNews’ 2024 Election Cov­erage, he said, all strategies instituted by the Service were to guarantee the safety and security of citizens during the electoral process.

DCOP Waabu said the Service, as part of measures to boost its human resource, would be training 300 officers to ensure a more secured and incident-free election.

“These 300 officers will be trained vigorously and will pass out before the upcoming elec­tions to boost the activities of the police service in ensuring an incident-free election,” he said.

The newly trained person­nel, he said, would significantly bolster the capacity of the police force to effectively handle any security concerns during the elections.

Mr Waabu said that the police service had learnt a lot from the recent district elections that took place, and it would put in place vigorous measures to ensure security.

DCOP Waabu also cited the successful execution of inter­nal elections held last year as a testament to the Ghana Police Service’s readiness and capability to manage electoral processes effectively.

According to Mr Waabu, the police would be assisted by per­sonnel from the Ghana Immi­gration Service and the Ghana Prison Service to ensure security during the election.

“Sensitisation is ongoing and we are collaborating with our sister security officers, that is the immigration and prison service in ensuring a peaceful election”, he said.

The DCOP said the Service was well equipped to prevent cha­os during the election process.

He also assured that the military has been cautioned not to create any form of tension or panic in citizens during the election process


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