Pope Francis apologizes for using an offensive Italian slur about gay folks

4 months ago 27

Pope Francis is an adult man who queens out in a gold-embroidered dress while surrounded by men in purple and pink vestments, and he ALSO gay-bashes. Et tu, Franny?? Sometimes it’s your own people, I’ll just say that. Apparently, Pope Francis said some unfortunate sh-t during a closed-door meeting with the members of the Italian Bishops’ Conference last week. In the meeting, Francis, who speaks multiple languages, used a derogatory Italian word for gay men. The Vatican is now apologizing on his behalf. Interestingly, the hate speech is only one part of a larger story of Francis hating gay people.

Pope Francis has apologized after he reportedly used a slur towards gay people during a private meeting. The pontiff, 87, reportedly said a derogatory term in a meeting with members of the Italian Bishops’ Conference in Rome on May 20, while discussing the subject of whether gay men should be welcomed into the priesthood. Italian news outlet Dagospia was first to report the alleged comments made by the pope, per BBC and The Guardian.

Pope Francis reportedly shared his objection against gay men being admitted to Catholic Seminaries after being asked at the meeting. Per the outlets, he then allegedly said the word “frociaggine” in Italian — which translates as a derogatory term for gay people — as he claimed there were too many members of the community entering seminaries.

Italian news outlets La Repubblica, Corriere della Sera and Adnkronos all cited sources confirming the pope used the term, leaving attendees shocked and confused, per The Guardian.

Pope Francis also allegedly said during the meeting that should gay people be allowed to train for the priesthood they are at risk of leading a double life, per The Times.

In response to the reports, Director of the Holy See Press Office, Matteo Bruni, told PEOPLE, “Pope Francis is aware of the articles that have recently been published about a conversation held behind closed doors, with members of the Italian Bishops’ Conference. As he has had the opportunity to say on several occasions: ‘There is room for everyone, for everyone in the Church! No one is useless, no one is superfluous, there is room for everyone. Just in the way that we are, all of us.’ The Pope has never intended to offend or express himself in homophobic terms, and he apologises to those who have felt offended by the use of a term, reported by others,” Bruni added.

[From People]

That apology is terrible! It sounds like the Vatican spokesperson wants to pretend like Francis didn’t really say that sh-t even though multiple Italians heard him and they were offended. It would be the equivalent of the archbishop of Boston using the f-slur. I know the slur in Spanish too, as I’m sure Argentinian Francis knows it as well, and he’s probably used it. But the larger story is probably that Francis is droppin’ slurs while telling the Italian bishops that the church should find a way to weed out the homosexuals. “Should gay people be allowed to train for the priesthood they are at risk of leading a double life.” Wouldn’t the same be true of straight people? Isn’t the same thing true of all of those child molesters wearing the collar?

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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