Prince William received flowers to take home to Kate while visiting the synagogue

6 months ago 27

Here are more photos of Prince William on Thursday, during his visit to the Western Marble Arch Synagogue in London. This was not some spur-of-the-moment visit – this visit was previewed last week, when William made his big “statesman” statement about Israel and Gaza. He was supposed to make a public appearance on Tuesday at his godfather’s memorial, but alas, he canceled at the last minute. The photographer assigned to his synagogue event was really fascinated by a prince wearing a yarmulke, and there are numerous extreme closeups on William’s bald head and his profile. So much so, people remarked on what seemed like a visible bruise on the left side of William’s neck, close to his ear. I’ve zoomed in on some of the photos and I can’t tell if it’s really a bruise or just a very strange shadow.

From what I’ve seen of the coverage of the event, gaffe-machine William managed to get in and out of there without saying anything gross, inappropriate or offensive. That being said, there are multiple reports of what people said TO William but not his replies. William was given a large bouquet of flowers to take home to Kate and no one recorded his reaction. One of the Holocaust survivors – who has met Kate before – told him, “I’m sorry, I’m sure that if your wife would’ve been well, she would’ve been here. I miss her so much. Give her my best wishes, please.” Once again, William’s response was not recorded. But still, Britain’s Jewish community appreciated William’s efforts to at least talk about the rise in antisemitism in recent months:

During his visit to the synagogue, the Prince met young ambassadors from different backgrounds and faiths who have taken part in the Holocaust Educational Trust’s flagship “Lessons from Auschwitz”. Through the project, young people from across the UK learn the history of the Holocaust and visit the site of the former Nazi concentration and death camp Auschwitz-Birkenau. It is intended to show them where anti-Semitism can lead, creating powerful advocates for the future.

The Prince heard from young people about how they are trying to call out any anti-Semitism they encounter in society as well as listening to their own experiences of racism. A palace spokesman said: “It was very important to the Prince that he hears directly from those who have been impacted by the rise of hatred and anti-Semitism.”

Karen Pollock CBE, the chief executive of the Holocaust Educational Trust said: “Today His Royal Highness reminded us that anti-Semitism is not only a problem for the Jewish community but for all [of] society. He listened to young Jewish students who are facing a deluge of anti-Semitic hate on campus, share their personal experiences of this anti-Jewish hate and he met young Holocaust Educational Trust Ambassadors, who are campaigning against anti-Semitism despite not being Jewish themselves.”

“He spent time with Holocaust survivor Renee Salt BEM. When she was liberated nearly 80 years ago, she never could have imagined that once again, within her lifetime, there would be a global explosion of anti-Semitism. His Royal Highness’s visit sends a powerful message that Britain is a country where Jews, whether Holocaust survivors who came to find sanctuary or young Jewish students – are welcome and celebrated. He reminds us that even in the darkest days, the Jewish community is not alone. We thank His Royal Highness for his leadership on this issue and we are so grateful for his unwavering support for our cause and our community.”

[From The Telegraph]

It’s interesting that William is putting himself out there as some kind of big ally to the Jewish community, especially since his father is the one who has spent decades nurturing his relations with multifaith leaders. While William and Kate – more Kate, surprisingly enough – have done some work with Holocaust survivors and Shoah education/awareness, King Charles is the one who would have done this kind of event, if 2024 was a normal year. It would not surprise me if William was “assigned” this visit by Buckingham Palace and William is just taking credit for thinking this up all on his own.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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