Prof. Opoku-Agyemang worships with Emmanuel Methodist Church, Sunyani

2 months ago 27

Professor Naana Jane Opoku-Agyemang, the vice presidential candidate of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) for the 2024 presidential election, has urged Christians to be grateful to God for how far he has brought them individually and the country.

The former education minister said that as Christians, thanksgiv­ing must be a part of their values despite their personal difficulties and that of the nation.

Representing the flagbearer, John Mahama, at the Emmanuel Congregation Methodist Church, Nkwabeng, in Sunyani, to observe Easter, the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the former Vice Chan­cellor of the University of Cape Coast said just as the occasion, so shall they rise above their diffi­culties.

She counselled them to keep trusting God for their own mira­cles for better days lie ahead of them.

In support of the launch of the church’s annual harvest, Prof. Opoku-Agyemang for and on behalf of Mr Mahama donated an undisclosed amount of money to the church.

In a sermon on the theme: “Christ has risen”, the preacher, Dr Jackson Adiyah Nyantakyi, called on members of the congregation to allow the death and resurrection of Christ transform their lives and make them anew.

Prof.Opoku-Agyeman was accompanied by Mr Kwadwo Nyamekye Marfo, the Bono Re­gional Chairman of the NDC, and NDC MPs from the region including Vincent Oppong Asa­moah, Dormaa West; Frederick Yaw Ahenkwah, Jaman North;­Sulemana Adama, Tain, and William Okofo Darteh, Jaman South and a host of the party’s parliamentary candidates in the region.


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