Protect media support programmes  …Oppong Nkrumah to info ministry staff

4 months ago 30

 The former Minis­ter of Information, Kojo Oppong Nk­rumah, has urged staff of the Minis­try to continue to safeguard and enhance the media support initiatives initiated during his tenure as Minister.

In a passionate farewell ad­dress during a staff durbar on the Ministry’s premises on Friday, the Minister made a passionate plea for the continued support and expansion of the media support programmes, encouraging them to work in close collaboration with the incoming Minister, Fatimatu Abubakar, to ensure their sustain­ability.

“Do not turn your back on our media support programmes. We need to support the public com­munications ecosystem continu­ously. It is necessary if we want the media and others to excel in our democracy,” he said.

Mr Oppong Nkrumah, who steps down to take on the role of Minister of Works and Housing, as part of President Akufo-Ad­do’s major Ministerial shake-up last Wednesday, highlighted the crucial role these programmes play in strengthening Ghana’s media landscape.

He cited the Media Capac­ity Enhancement Programme (MCEP) and the Coordinated Mechanism for the Safety of Jour­nalists (CMSJ) as prime examples of media support programmes that needed constant support to serve their purpose.

The outgoing Information Min­ister commended the programmes for successfully providing compre­hensive training to over 140 jour­nalists from diverse media houses nationwide, equipping them with the skills and expertise needed to excel in their profession and ensuring the safety and security of media practitioners.

Emphasising the necessity of collaboration, Mr Oppong Nkrumah called upon government agencies, Civil Society Organi­sations (CSOs), and the private sector to unite in addressing the challenges faced by these media support programmes. He urged collective action to uphold their integrity and effectiveness, under­scoring their vital contribution to the country’s democratic progress.

Despite recognising the difficul­ties in securing cooperation with other institutions to ensure the execution of these programmes, Mr Oppong Nkrumah urged staff to persist. “Keep pushing for more cooperation even when they aren’t responsive. We will get there eventually,” he asserted.

Additionally, the Minister stressed the importance of up­holding high research standards to provide accurate and valuable feedback to government. He said already, the Ministry had a working research department that must be put to good use to complete government’s efforts in bringing good governance to the doorstep of Ghanaians.

Concluding his speech on a per­sonal note, the Minister expressed gratitude to the staff for working to make his time at the Ministry a success, and solicited their contin­ued support in the execution of the Ministry’s key duties.


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