Raquel Rodriguez’s WWE Elimination Chamber Status Was Initially ‘Touch And Go’

6 months ago 33

Raquel Rodriguez faced a hiatus of several months due to Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. Nonetheless, she made a comeback on RAW this week and participated in the Elimination Chamber. Despite her ongoing struggles with MCAS, Rodriguez valiantly competed at the event. However, her availability for the show remained uncertain, adding an element of unpredictability to her status.

Having previously disclosed her diagnosis of Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, Raquel Rodriguez participated in the Women’s Elimination Chamber match at the Elimination Chamber Premium Live Event. Her strength was prominently on display inside the structure as she utilized it to deliver punishment to her opponents.

She lost the match but ended up winning hearts, as she battled her skin condition to compete. While speaking on Wrestling Observer Radio, Bryan Alvarez and Dave Meltzer highlighted the uncertainty surrounding Raquel Rodriguez’s participation due to Mast Cell Activation Syndrome.

Dave Meltzer revealed that Raquel Rodriguez’s appearance at the Elimination Chamber Premium Live Event was touch and go, as there was no guarantee she was going to make it for the show.

Bryan Alvarez: “Raquel Rodriguez ended up doing the show, although it was kind of questionable there for a while.”

Dave Meltzer: “It was touch and go. One of the things I mentioned yesterday with Garrett was things that could happen that were different. But it flared up. They went through that whole match; they basically did a practice match in Australia, and she missed that. But she was able to do the match today. And you know, that’s so good for her. She got to do it. But yeah, she had a flare-up, I think, on the flight over.”

Bryan Alvarez: “It was on the flight over, and apparently, if something were essentially her face, it’s like everything. It’s like a horrible allergic reaction. although it’s not, and it swells up and turns. She said the color of her satin pillow or pink satin pillowcase. And she thanked the amazing makeup team. She thanked the local massage place that apparently worked with her three times to help her feel her best. But she made it to the chamber. So that one was hit or miss, but she did end up making it for that.”

Raquel Rodriguez garnered immense respect from fans and fellow wrestlers by bravely competing at the Elimination Chamber Premium Live Event despite her Mast Cell Activation Syndrome flaring up. The future holds uncertainty, and we’ll be eager to see what lies ahead for Rodriguez in the coming weeks.

Do you have more respect for Raquel Rodriguez after she competed at the Elimination Chamber Premium Live Event? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!

February 25, 2024 7:55 am

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