Report: 19 Luchadors In Danger Of Having Work Visas Canceled By US Government

6 months ago 26

Several CMLL stars could be barred from competing in the United States if they lose their work visas.

According to a report from, 19 luchadors are in the middle of having their respective work visas canceled by the United States government. The 19 luchadors that are affected include: Volador Jr., Hechicero, Mascara Dorada, Blue Panther, Dulce Gardenia, El Sagrado, El Suicida, Electrico, Espiritu Negro, Euforia, Fugaz, Gemelo Diablo 1 and 2, Magico, Robin, Sangre Imperial, Soberano, Templario, and referee Sagaz.

The names in question will not be able to perform in the United States without a work visa, and the reapplication process could take months.

According to a source close to the situation, the visas are being pulled due to a incident involving Texas independent wrestling promotion Full Blown Pro Wrestling running into issues with CMLL over the process. PWInsider notes that one CMLL employee that was in charge of the visa process left the company. The United States Department of Homeland Security later contacted Full Blown Pro Wrestling promoter Jerry Cadena with questions about the visas and was told he could be faced with fraud accusations if the visas were flagged due to an unspecified issue.

PWInsider was told that CMLL told Cadena they would handle the issue with the US Embassy in Mexico. However, it was clarified by PWInsider that the Department of Homeland Security, not the Embassy for a specific country, issues the work visas in the United States.

Additionally, Cadena was said to have informed the US government that he was ceasing all working agreements with CMLL and they would be terminated as of February 28.

If the cancelation is finalized, the luchadors are legally unable to travel to the US to perform until a new visa is acquired. This process could take months and include expensive fees. In addition, this would also mean the talent in question would not make their respective appearances at major events like WrestleMania weekend in Philadelphia unless they wait for a new visa or someone spends a lot of money to get it worked out quickly.

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