Ring Of Honor TV Results – February 29, 2024

6 months ago 34

Ring Of Honor

Date: February 29, 2024

Location: Great Southern Bank Arena, Springfield, Missouri

Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

We are just over a month away from Supercard Of Honor and this show has been a bit up and down in recent weeks. This has mainly been due to the Women’s TV Title tournament, which has made things feel a bit more important. That importance should continue this week with Dalton Castle finally getting his hands on Johnny TV. Let’s get to it.

Opening sequence.

We run down some of the card.

Women’s TV Title Tournament Quarterfinals: Taya Valkyrie vs. Queen Aminata

Johnny TV is here with Valkyrie. Aminata grabs a headlock to start but Valkyrie reverses into one of her own. That’s reversed as well so Valkyrie powers her into the corner for the exchange of forearms. Aminata misses the hip attack though and gets knocked into Johnny’s arms, allowing Valkyrie to hit a dropkick through the ropes.

A suplex on the floor keeps Aminata in trouble and Valkyrie makes it worse with the STF. That’s escaped as well and Valkyrie spears her down for two. Aminata comes back with a suplex into the penalty kick, setting up the required hip attack in the corner. Valkyrie gets in a slam for two but walks into a headbutt for the pin at 8:55.

Result: Queen Aminata b. Taya Valkyrie – Headbutt (8:55)

We look back at last week’s tournament matches.

Mike Sydal vs. Lee Johnson

Johnson takes him to the mat to start and switches into a hammerlock. A rollup gives Johnson two and Sydal needs a breather in the corner. Said breather seems to work as he takes Johnson down into a chinlock, followed by a Michinoku Driver for two. Johnson fights out of another chinlock and grabs a Blue Thunder Bomb for two of his own. The reverse inverted DDT finishes Sydal at 5:49.

Result: Lee Johnson b. Mike Sydal – Reverse inverted DDT (5:49)

Komander vs. Blake Christian

They trade some rapid fire armdrags to start until Komander takes over with a dropkick. Komander kicks him off the apron and hits a Lionsault for two back inside. A missed charge hits post though and Christian knees him in the head as the arena is eerily silent. Christian knocks him outside for a big running flip dive and a snap suplex off the steps drops Komander again.

Back in and Christian’s top rope elbow to the back gets two and a backbreaker gets the same. Komander kicks his way out of the corner and snaps off a middle rope hurricanrana to the floor. The 450 hits Christian’s raised knees, but Christian’s top rope elbow hits Komander’s raised knees. Komander catapults him throat first into the rope but Christian bails to the floor. That means a moonsault to the floor and a shooting star press back inside gives Komander the pin at 9:57.

Result: Komander b. Blake Christian – Shooting star press (9:57)

Athena has called an emergency minion meeting with Lexi Nair and Billie Starkz coming to the stage. She’s sick of Lexi trying to interview everyone else so from now on, she’s staying by Athena’s side. Athena brags about beating Nyla Rose last week but she isn’t impressed with Starkz winning her first two TV Title tournament matches. The fans think she can do it, so Athena says win the title or else. Athena says this is the year of Minion #400237 ¾ and if you don’t like that, step up or step out.

Taiji Ishimori vs. Jacoby Watts

Watts picks up the pace to start but Ishimori knocks him down. Ishimori goes up but his high crossbody is blocked, allowing Watts to hit a hard clothesline for two. Not that it matters as Ishimori pulls him into a Border City Stretch for the tap at 2:57.

Result: Taiji Ishimori b. Jacoby Watts – Border City Stretch (2:57)

Queen Aminata is ready for the last two rounds of the tournament.

Johnny TV vs. Dalton Castle

For the Boys and Taya Valkyrie is here with TV. Castle can barely walk so the Iron Savages and Jacked Jameson come out to revive him with Savage Sauce. TV rolls around to start before Castle sends him outside. Back in and TV sends him outside, where the Boys fan him up. Castle gets back in but misses a charge to the floor, where TV grabs the Boys for a picture with Valkyrie. Back in again and Castle grabs a throw, followed by a DDT to put TV down.

They head outside again, this time with TV driving Castle into the barricade. Castle is dropped onto said barricade and TV neckbreakers him down back inside. The cravate doesn’t last long for TV so Castle is back up with some suplexes. TV slips off the shoulders though and hits his flipping neckbreaker for two more. This time Castle catches him on top for a…reverse Razor’s head face plant. They both go up top where Castle knocks TV onto the Boys, allowing Valkyrie to shove Castle down. Starship Pain finishes for TV at 12:24.

Result: Johnny TV b. Dalton Castle – Starship Pain (12:24)

Valkyrie and TV literally drag the Boys up the ramp as they leave. Castle leaves as commentary sounds like they witnessed a murder to end the show.


Queen Aminata b. Taya Valkyrie – Headbutt

Lee Johnson b. Mike Sydal – Reverse inverted DDT

Komander b. Blake Christian – Shooting star press

Taiji Ishimori b. Jacoby Watts – Border City Stretch

Johnny TV b. Dalton Castle – Starship Pain

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You can find more from Thomas Hall at kbwrestlingreviews.com, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30 wrestling books.

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