Rob Van Dam isn’t shocked that WWE changed their stance on marijuana usage, and reflects on how his own career would have been different if they were more lenient back in the day.
During his reign as WWE and ECW Champion in 2006, Rob Van Dam was arrested for marijuana possession after being caught speeding. He was suspended by the WWE after dropping both his titles and his time in the main event came to an abrupt end.
However, the WWE has since come around to the idea of weed. They no longer punish talent for smoking marijuana, something Rob Van Dam wishes they’d have done a long time ago.
Speaking on Insight with Chris Van Vliet, Rob Van Dam says it is “interesting” but “good” that they’ve changed their view on the drug.
“It’s interesting in a good way. I can’t say I’m surprised,” he said. “I always knew the direction that marijuana prohibition would go. And I was just ahead of the curve like I am with a lot of things. I’m ahead of my time in a lot of ways. So when I started advocating and telling people, ‘Dude, put that cigarette down. That’s killing you, Marijuana is not.’ Everyone thought I was crazy.” Rob Van Dam said.
“Now, because the government’s come around everyone’s like, well I eat a couple of gummies before I go to bed at night. It does help me sleep. What about all you guys saying it’s going to lead to harder drugs? When are all these people that are having a couple of gummies going to come out, ‘I went straight to heroin, and then that wasn’t enough.’ Because that’s what they believed before before the government came around and said, Oh, we weren’t right about that.” Rob Van Dam said.
Rob Van Dam Says Marijuana Bust Affected His ECW Run
When asked about how the arrest affected his run in WWE and the ECW reboot, Rob Van Dam said:
“Who knows where it would have went? I don’t know what [was planned]. I was always the last one to to know what people had planned, I don’t know how long the championship would have been around, but for sure, I would have been able to do a hell of a lot more to keep ECW going.”
When asked if his reign as champion would have been longer, he said:
“1000%. Now, that was all because of the marijuana bust, which is not even a thing right now, in that same Hanging Rock Ohio for that same 18 grams you’re not going to get arrested. You’re probably just going to get let go.”
“I said I was just ahead of my time. To me, what I’m doing right now isn’t necessarily a bad thing, just because the authority says that it’s bad. People that think that, no, they say it’s bad, that’s bad. Well, they change that all the time. Coffee’s good for you. Coffee’s bad for you. Guess what? Do some research. Make up your mind for yourself.” Rob Van Dam said.