Robert Kennedy & the worm dropped out of the race & endorsed Donald Trump

1 month ago 15

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Well, it happened. Robert Kennedy Jr. has suspended his “presidential campaign” and endorsed Donald Trump. Naturally. Kennedy truly was the Kanye West of this election cycle, and I mean that in the most derogatory way possible. At an early event on Friday, Kennedy suspended his campaign and dropped out of the race. Then Kennedy joined Trump in Phoenix, Arizona for a rally. I only watched about a minute of it before turning that sh-t off – Trump was very happy about this, so much so that he’s acting as if Kennedy is his new running mate. Baby Fists/Brain Worm ‘24. Poor JD Vance – outmaneuvered by a dude with a brain worm.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. threw his support behind former President Donald J. Trump on Friday after suspending his troubled independent campaign for president, saying he was withdrawing his name from the ballot in battleground states and that Mr. Trump had “asked to enlist me” in his second administration. He announced his plans in a speech in Phoenix that also castigated the mainstream media and accused the Democratic Party of “abandoning democracy” and engaging in “legal warfare” against him and Mr. Trump.

Campaigning in Las Vegas, Mr. Trump expressed delight with Mr. Kennedy’s decision. “That’s big,” he said. “He’s a great guy, respected by everybody.” On Friday evening, Mr. Kennedy spoke at a rally for Mr. Trump in Arizona.

In his remarks, Mr. Kennedy, 70, said he had pledged to leave the race if he “became a spoiler” — a candidate with no path to victory who could nonetheless alter the outcome of the election. “In my heart, I no longer believe I have a realistic path to electoral victory, in the face of this relentless, systematic censorship and media control,” he said.

“Our polling consistently showed that by staying on the ballot in battleground states, I would most likely hand the election to the Democrats, with whom I disagree on most existential issues,” he said.

Mr. Kennedy had been in behind-the-scenes talks with the Trump team for weeks about the possibility of suspending his campaign and endorsing the former president. Those talks were brokered in part by Donald Trump Jr., Tucker Carlson and Omeed Malik, a businessman who has supported both candidates, according to two people familiar with the discussions.

Mr. Trump, taking questions from reporters at a restaurant in Las Vegas, declined to say whether he would offer Mr. Kennedy a role in his administration if he is elected in November. He called Kennedy “beloved.”

[From The NY Times]

“Those talks were brokered in part by Donald Trump Jr., Tucker Carlson and Omeed Malik, a businessman who has supported both candidates…” As I’ve said this whole time, Republican operatives were “running” Kennedy specifically to act as spoiler for the Democrats. Given Kennedy’s withdrawal, the internal numbers must have shown that Kennedy was actually taking votes away from Trump. As other reporters pointed out, Trump and Kennedy share another major donor in common: Timothy Mellon, who also encouraged Kennedy to drop out and endorse Trump.

In case you’re interested in the Kennedy family’s position on all of this ratf-cking, Jack Schlossberg tweeted out something great, as did Kerry Kennedy.

Never been less surprised in my life. Been saying it for over a year — RFKjr is for sale, works for Trump. Bedfellows and loving it.

Kamala Harris is for the people — the easiest decision of all time just got easier.

— Jack Schlossberg (@JBKSchlossberg) August 23, 2024

I am sharing a personal statement that my family and I have made in response to my brother’s announcement.

— Kerry Kennedy (@KerryKennedyRFK) August 23, 2024

Trump shares a post describing he and RFK Jr as a “ticket.” Poor JD.

— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) August 24, 2024

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