Another tidbit just dropped following Wednesday’s Samsung Unpacked event. This one comes courtesy of Adobe, which notes that the new Galaxy S25 line will be the first handsets to support the Content Credentials standard, aimed at labeling AI-generated content as such.
The Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity (C2PA) group — of which Samsung is now officially a part — describes the standard as a “nutrition label for digital content.” The information presented includes how the content was generated and edited, as well as if any generative AI technologies were used in the process.
The standard arrives amid increasing concern around AI’s ability to propagate fake news and other misinformation. In addition to its presence in still images, it will be extended to include video, audio, and documents.
Content Credentials can be found in an image using Adobe’s Content Authenticity tool, which is now in beta.
Along with Samsung and Adobe, the C2PA includes some top names from media, social media, AI, and hardware, including Google, Intel, Microsoft, OpenAI, Amazon, BBC, Meta, Sony, Publicis, and Truepic.
The Galaxy S25 line is now up for preorder and set to start shipping February 7.
Brian Heater is the Hardware Editor at TechCrunch. He worked for a number of leading tech publications, including Engadget, PCMag, Laptop, and Tech Times, where he served as the Managing Editor. His writing has appeared in Spin, Wired, Playboy, Entertainment Weekly, The Onion, Boing Boing, Publishers Weekly, The Daily Beast and various other publications. He hosts the weekly Boing Boing interview podcast RiYL, has appeared as a regular NPR contributor and shares his Queens apartment with a rabbit named Juniper.
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