Scarlett Johansson mixed business and comfort while attending a screening of June Squibb‘s movie Thelma on Thursday night (January 9) in New York City. The 40-year-old Black Widow actress took the stage at 92NY to participate in a conversation with the 95-year-old star about the movie, which was June‘s first leading role, and her career in Hollywood. Keep reading to find out more… For the occasion, Scarlett paired a stylish black suit with a more casual white T-shirt. She kept her accessories simple and pulled her hair back, finishing things off with black loafers. June dazzled in a silver and black suit and wore a “J” necklace! Did you see that Scarlett was recently announced as a guest host on Today? Find out when she’ll be appearing on the show and who else will be making cameos. Scroll through all of the new photos of Scarlett Johansson and June Squibb at the event in the gallery…