Universal Pictures has made changes to release dates for two highly-anticipated animated movies – Shrek 5 and Minions 3. The upcoming fifth Shrek movie was originally scheduled for release on July 1, 2026 while Minions 3 was slated for a release date of June 30, 2027. Fans will have to wait six months longer for Shrek 5, but they’ll be getting Minions 3 much earlier than planned. Keep reading to find out more… It was just announced that Shrek 5 will now be released on Wednesday, December 23, 2026. We know about three stars who will definitely return for the upcoming sequel. Minions 3 will now be taking the July 1, 2026 date that Shrek 5 vacated. We’ll get to see it so much sooner! An untitled movie from Illumination will be released on June 30, 2027, the date that Minions 3 was supposed to hit theaters.