‘So sharp and electric’: Scott McTominay reveals which United teammate still ‘shocks’ him in training

5 months ago 18



Scott McTominay has lauded Manchester United teammate Marcus Rashford’s raw talent and professionalism.

In what’s been a severely underwhelming campaign for the frontman, supporters are still hoping Rashford can reignite the same prolific form he displayed so frequently last season.

The 26-year-old retains the trust of Erik ten Hag, which is proven by his consistent inclusion in the starting 11, but seems to have lost faith in himself after starting the term on the wrong foot. Now we’re at the halfway point, he’ll be looking to turn things around drastically.

Rashford has found himself on the receiving end of heavy criticism from pundits and even fans as of late, but you’d struggle to find a United player who doesn’t rate him highly. Academy youngsters will also look to the frontman as proof that hard work can lead to you ‘making it’.

McTominay’s high praise for Rashford

McTominay is the latest Red to heap praise on his fellow Carrington graduate; when asked on FootballJOE who in training still ‘shocks’ him, he responded: “I’ve been around a lot of different players, but I’ll still refer back to Marcus, he’s so talented and the way he conducts himself on the training pitch every day, he’s always there, he’s so sharp and electric.

“I’ve watched him come through the academy, and it’s almost a proud feeling whenever you see him doing so well. Any player that comes in will always be shocked by Marcus because they might not expect it but as soon as they watch him they’re like, ‘there’s levels.’” 


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